initSidebarItems({"enum":[["ChildEvent","The event returned from `child_events()` iterator"],["Error","Error runnning process"],["ExitStatus","The exit status of a process"],["Fd","An enumeration that is used to configure non-stdio file descriptors. It differs from stdio one because we must differentiate from readable and writable file descriptors for things open by the library"],["Namespace","Namespace name to unshare"],["Stdio","An enumeration that is used to configure stdio file descritors"]],"fn":[["child_events","Creates iterator over child events"],["reap_zombies","Creates iterator over zombie processes"]],"struct":[["Child","The reference to the running child"],["Command","Main class for running processes. Works in the spirit of builder pattern."],["GidMap",""],["PipeReader",""],["PipeWriter",""],["UidMap",""]],"type":[["SigNum",""]]});