var searchIndex = {}; searchIndex["unsafe_any"] = {"doc":"Traits for unsafe downcasting from trait objects to & or &mut references of\nconcrete types. These should only be used if you are absolutely certain of the\ntype of the data in said trait object - there be dragons etc.","items":[[8,"UnsafeAny","unsafe_any","A trait providing unchecked downcasting to its contents when stored\nin a trait object.",null,null],[8,"UnsafeAnyExt","","An extension trait for unchecked downcasting of trait objects.",null,null],[11,"downcast_ref_unchecked","","Returns a reference to the contained value, assuming that it is of type `T`.",0,null],[11,"downcast_mut_unchecked","","Returns a mutable reference to the contained value, assuming that it is of type `T`.",0,null],[11,"downcast_unchecked","","Returns a the contained value, assuming that it is of type `T`.",0,{"inputs":[{"name":"box"}],"output":{"name":"box"}}],[11,"downcast_ref_unchecked","","Returns a reference to the contained value, assuming that it is of type `T`.",1,null],[11,"downcast_mut_unchecked","","Returns a mutable reference to the contained value, assuming that it is of type `T`.",1,null],[11,"downcast_unchecked","","Returns a the contained value, assuming that it is of type `T`.",1,{"inputs":[{"name":"box"}],"output":{"name":"box"}}]],"paths":[[8,"UnsafeAnyExt"],[8,"UnsafeAny"]]}; initSearch(searchIndex);