macro_rules! derive_ffi_traits {
    (blanket $ty:ty) => { ... };
    (local $ty:ty) => { ... };
    (impl $(<$($generic:ident),*>)? $(::uniffi::)? Lower<$ut:path> for $ty:ty $(where $($where:tt)*)?) => { ... };
    (impl $(<$($generic:ident),*>)? $(::uniffi::)? Lift<$ut:path> for $ty:ty $(where $($where:tt)*)?) => { ... };
    (impl $(<$($generic:ident),*>)? $(::uniffi::)? LowerReturn<$ut:path> for $ty:ty $(where $($where:tt)*)?) => { ... };
    (impl $(<$($generic:ident),*>)? $(::uniffi::)? LiftReturn<$ut:path> for $ty:ty $(where $($where:tt)*)?) => { ... };
    (impl $(<$($generic:ident),*>)? $(::uniffi::)? LiftRef<$ut:path> for $ty:ty $(where $($where:tt)*)?) => { ... };
    (impl $(<$($generic:ident),*>)? $(::uniffi::)? ConvertError<$ut:path> for $ty:ty $(where $($where:tt)*)?) => { ... };
Expand description

Reexport items from other uniffi creates Derive FFI traits

This can be used to derive:


// Derive everything from [FfiConverter] for all Uniffi tags
::uniffi::derive_ffi_traits!(blanket Foo)
// Derive everything from [FfiConverter] for the local crate::UniFfiTag
::uniffi::derive_ffi_traits!(local Foo)
// To derive a specific trait, write out the impl item minus the actual  block
::uniffi::derive_ffi_traits!(impl<T, UT> LowerReturn<UT> for Option<T>)