[][src]Macro uni_components_macro::define_type

define_type!() { /* proc-macro */ }

Helps to define type for service output

Two parameters have to be specified: name and variants (doc is optional).

doc (optional)

Provide string literal there. It'll be used as doc for the new type.

name (required)

It'll become the name of a new type so any identifier will works. Generic types may be specified as

     name: TypeName<T,K> where T: Send, K: Sync {},

Please take a look at {} at the end of the line. The minimal bound should be T: 'static + Send + Sync + serde::Serialize + serde::de::DeserializeOwned.

variants (required)

It looks like array where each element are one possible vairant of service answer:

<VariantName> {
    code: <code_value>,
    body: <body_type>,
    doc: <doc_content>,
  • will become identifier for the variant,
  • <code_value> (required) should be u16 and recommended to be one of allowed HTTP codes
  • body (optional) parameter is optional and <body_type> have to be the type of data represented by the variant
  • doc (optional) parameter is optional and <doc_content> have to be string literal, that literal will be added as documentation to the variant


    doc: "
    The type repsersents an answer for the question.

    Server may have the answer or may have not.
    name: QuestionAnswer,
            code: 200,
            body: String,
            doc: "Answer found:",
            code: 404,
            doc: "Answer not found",