[][src]Macro uni_components::define_service

define_service!() { /* proc-macro */ }

Helps to define new Service

The macros generates new module where all Service-related data will be placed.

There will be:

  • In -- type aliase for Service's input type
  • Out -- type aliase for Service's output type (or type itself if outpus used instead of output_type)
  • Struct -- the structure for which [Service] trait will be implemented
  • INSTANCE -- const instance of the Struct
  • REF -- 'static ref for Struct (pointing to the INSTANCE)


doc (optional)

String literal which will be used as a documentation for new module. The explanation of the service functionality may be placed here.

name (required)

Identifier (name) for new module.

input (required)

Service's input type.

Right now for King::Get services you have to use structure or enum (not String or i32 or etc.)

outputs_type (one of outputs_type or outputs required)

Service's output type. The type have to implement [AsResponse] and have to have pub fn from_response(response: uni_components::::Response) -> Result<Self, uni_components::Response> function.

The best way to implement the type is to use define_type! macro.

Otherwise you can use outputs parameter and skip outputs_type.

outputs (one of outputs_type or outputs required)

There you can specify variants how you do for define_type!'s variants parameter.

You can not have both outputs and outputs_type together.

path (required)

The path where the service will be available at website.

kind (required)

Select kind of your servce. It should be one of [Kind]s.


   doc: "
   Authentication service.

   It receives user credentials (as a part of authorization request) and
   then provides token as a response.
   name: AUTH_ACTION,
   kind: uni_components::Kind::Post,
   input: common::Auth,
   outputs: [
       AuthorizedToken {
           code: 200,
           body: String,
           doc: "You are authorized to use the service. Token provided"
       NonAuthorized {
           code: 401,
           doc: "Non authorized. Probably credentials are incorrect",
   path: "/api/login/",