Module unc_vm_runner::logic

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  • Dynamic configuration parameters required for the WASM runtime to execute a smart contract.
  • The outgoing (egress) data which will be transformed to a DataReceipt to be sent to a receipt.receiver
  • Describes limits for VM and Runtime. TODO #4139: consider switching to strongly-typed wrappers instead of raw quantities
  • Representation of the address slice of guest memory.
  • Counts trie nodes reads during tx/receipt execution for proper storage costs charging.
  • Context for the contract execution.


  • Our original code for limiting WASM stack was buggy. We fixed that, but we still have to use old (V0) limiter for old protocol versions.
  • This enum represents if a storage_get call will be performed through flat storage or trie


  • Cache for compiled modules
  • An external blockchain interface for the Runtime logic
  • An abstraction over the memory of the smart contract.
  • Logical pointer to a value in storage. Allows getting value length before getting the value itself. This is needed so that runtime can charge gas before accessing a potentially large value.

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