Module uma::protocol

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  • LnurlComplianceResponse is the compliance field of the LnurlpResponse.
  • LnurlpRequest is the first request in the UMA protocol. It is sent by the VASP that is sending the payment to find out information about the receiver.
  • LnurlpResponse is the response to the LnurlpRequest. It is sent by the VASP that is receiving the payment to provide information to the sender about the receiver.
  • PayReqResponse is the response sent by the receiver to the sender to provide an invoice.
  • PayRequest is the request sent by the sender to the receiver to retrieve an invoice.
  • PubKeyResponse is sent from a VASP to another VASP to provide its public keys. It is the response to GET requests at /.well-known/lnurlpubkey.
  • UtxoWithAmount is a pair of utxo and amount transferred over that corresponding channel. It can be used to register payment for KYT.
