[−][src]Crate ugli_gl
FnPtr |
ActiveTexture⚠ | Fallbacks: ActiveTextureARB |
AttachShader⚠ | Fallbacks: AttachObjectARB |
BeginConditionalRender⚠ | Fallbacks: BeginConditionalRenderNV |
BeginQuery⚠ | Fallbacks: BeginQueryARB |
BeginTransformFeedback⚠ | Fallbacks: BeginTransformFeedbackEXT, BeginTransformFeedbackNV |
BindAttribLocation⚠ | Fallbacks: BindAttribLocationARB |
BindBuffer⚠ | Fallbacks: BindBufferARB |
BindBufferBase⚠ | Fallbacks: BindBufferBaseEXT, BindBufferBaseNV |
BindBufferRange⚠ | Fallbacks: BindBufferRangeEXT, BindBufferRangeNV |
BindFragDataLocation⚠ | Fallbacks: BindFragDataLocationEXT |
BindFragDataLocationIndexed⚠ | Fallbacks: BindFragDataLocationIndexedEXT |
BindFramebuffer⚠ | |
BindRenderbuffer⚠ | |
BindSampler⚠ | |
BindTexture⚠ | Fallbacks: BindTextureEXT |
BindVertexArray⚠ | Fallbacks: BindVertexArrayOES |
BlendColor⚠ | Fallbacks: BlendColorEXT |
BlendEquation⚠ | Fallbacks: BlendEquationEXT |
BlendEquationSeparate⚠ | Fallbacks: BlendEquationSeparateEXT |
BlendFunc⚠ | |
BlendFuncSeparate⚠ | Fallbacks: BlendFuncSeparateEXT, BlendFuncSeparateINGR |
BlitFramebuffer⚠ | Fallbacks: BlitFramebufferEXT, BlitFramebufferNV |
BufferData⚠ | Fallbacks: BufferDataARB |
BufferSubData⚠ | Fallbacks: BufferSubDataARB |
CheckFramebufferStatus⚠ | Fallbacks: CheckFramebufferStatusEXT |
ClampColor⚠ | Fallbacks: ClampColorARB |
Clear⚠ | |
ClearBufferfi⚠ | |
ClearBufferfv⚠ | |
ClearBufferiv⚠ | |
ClearBufferuiv⚠ | |
ClearColor⚠ | |
ClearDepth⚠ | |
ClearStencil⚠ | |
ClientWaitSync⚠ | Fallbacks: ClientWaitSyncAPPLE |
ColorMask⚠ | |
ColorMaski⚠ | Fallbacks: ColorMaskIndexedEXT, ColorMaskiEXT, ColorMaskiOES |
ColorP3ui⚠ | |
ColorP3uiv⚠ | |
ColorP4ui⚠ | |
ColorP4uiv⚠ | |
CompileShader⚠ | Fallbacks: CompileShaderARB |
CompressedTexImage1D⚠ | Fallbacks: CompressedTexImage1DARB |
CompressedTexImage2D⚠ | Fallbacks: CompressedTexImage2DARB |
CompressedTexImage3D⚠ | Fallbacks: CompressedTexImage3DARB |
CompressedTexSubImage1D⚠ | Fallbacks: CompressedTexSubImage1DARB |
CompressedTexSubImage2D⚠ | Fallbacks: CompressedTexSubImage2DARB |
CompressedTexSubImage3D⚠ | Fallbacks: CompressedTexSubImage3DARB |
CopyBufferSubData⚠ | Fallbacks: CopyBufferSubDataNV |
CopyTexImage1D⚠ | Fallbacks: CopyTexImage1DEXT |
CopyTexImage2D⚠ | Fallbacks: CopyTexImage2DEXT |
CopyTexSubImage1D⚠ | Fallbacks: CopyTexSubImage1DEXT |
CopyTexSubImage2D⚠ | Fallbacks: CopyTexSubImage2DEXT |
CopyTexSubImage3D⚠ | Fallbacks: CopyTexSubImage3DEXT |
CreateProgram⚠ | Fallbacks: CreateProgramObjectARB |
CreateShader⚠ | Fallbacks: CreateShaderObjectARB |
CullFace⚠ | |
DeleteBuffers⚠ | Fallbacks: DeleteBuffersARB |
DeleteFramebuffers⚠ | Fallbacks: DeleteFramebuffersEXT |
DeleteProgram⚠ | |
DeleteQueries⚠ | Fallbacks: DeleteQueriesARB |
DeleteRenderbuffers⚠ | Fallbacks: DeleteRenderbuffersEXT |
DeleteSamplers⚠ | |
DeleteShader⚠ | |
DeleteSync⚠ | Fallbacks: DeleteSyncAPPLE |
DeleteTextures⚠ | |
DeleteVertexArrays⚠ | Fallbacks: DeleteVertexArraysAPPLE, DeleteVertexArraysOES |
DepthFunc⚠ | |
DepthMask⚠ | |
DepthRange⚠ | |
DetachShader⚠ | Fallbacks: DetachObjectARB |
Disable⚠ | |
DisableVertexAttribArray⚠ | Fallbacks: DisableVertexAttribArrayARB |
Disablei⚠ | Fallbacks: DisableIndexedEXT, DisableiEXT, DisableiNV, DisableiOES |
DrawArrays⚠ | Fallbacks: DrawArraysEXT |
DrawArraysInstanced⚠ | Fallbacks: DrawArraysInstancedANGLE, DrawArraysInstancedARB, DrawArraysInstancedEXT, DrawArraysInstancedNV |
DrawBuffer⚠ | |
DrawBuffers⚠ | Fallbacks: DrawBuffersARB, DrawBuffersATI, DrawBuffersEXT |
DrawElements⚠ | |
DrawElementsBaseVertex⚠ | Fallbacks: DrawElementsBaseVertexEXT, DrawElementsBaseVertexOES |
DrawElementsInstanced⚠ | Fallbacks: DrawElementsInstancedANGLE, DrawElementsInstancedARB, DrawElementsInstancedEXT, DrawElementsInstancedNV |
DrawElementsInstancedBaseVertex⚠ | Fallbacks: DrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexEXT, DrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexOES |
DrawRangeElements⚠ | Fallbacks: DrawRangeElementsEXT |
DrawRangeElementsBaseVertex⚠ | Fallbacks: DrawRangeElementsBaseVertexEXT, DrawRangeElementsBaseVertexOES |
Enable⚠ | |
EnableVertexAttribArray⚠ | Fallbacks: EnableVertexAttribArrayARB |
Enablei⚠ | Fallbacks: EnableIndexedEXT, EnableiEXT, EnableiNV, EnableiOES |
EndConditionalRender⚠ | Fallbacks: EndConditionalRenderNV, EndConditionalRenderNVX |
EndQuery⚠ | Fallbacks: EndQueryARB |
EndTransformFeedback⚠ | Fallbacks: EndTransformFeedbackEXT, EndTransformFeedbackNV |
FenceSync⚠ | Fallbacks: FenceSyncAPPLE |
Finish⚠ | |
Flush⚠ | |
FlushMappedBufferRange⚠ | Fallbacks: FlushMappedBufferRangeAPPLE, FlushMappedBufferRangeEXT |
FramebufferRenderbuffer⚠ | Fallbacks: FramebufferRenderbufferEXT |
FramebufferTexture⚠ | Fallbacks: FramebufferTextureARB, FramebufferTextureEXT, FramebufferTextureOES |
FramebufferTexture1D⚠ | Fallbacks: FramebufferTexture1DEXT |
FramebufferTexture2D⚠ | Fallbacks: FramebufferTexture2DEXT |
FramebufferTexture3D⚠ | Fallbacks: FramebufferTexture3DEXT |
FramebufferTextureLayer⚠ | Fallbacks: FramebufferTextureLayerARB, FramebufferTextureLayerEXT |
FrontFace⚠ | |
GenBuffers⚠ | Fallbacks: GenBuffersARB |
GenFramebuffers⚠ | Fallbacks: GenFramebuffersEXT |
GenQueries⚠ | Fallbacks: GenQueriesARB |
GenRenderbuffers⚠ | Fallbacks: GenRenderbuffersEXT |
GenSamplers⚠ | |
GenTextures⚠ | |
GenVertexArrays⚠ | Fallbacks: GenVertexArraysAPPLE, GenVertexArraysOES |
GenerateMipmap⚠ | Fallbacks: GenerateMipmapEXT |
GetActiveAttrib⚠ | Fallbacks: GetActiveAttribARB |
GetActiveUniform⚠ | Fallbacks: GetActiveUniformARB |
GetActiveUniformBlockName⚠ | |
GetActiveUniformBlockiv⚠ | |
GetActiveUniformName⚠ | |
GetActiveUniformsiv⚠ | |
GetAttachedShaders⚠ | |
GetAttribLocation⚠ | Fallbacks: GetAttribLocationARB |
GetBooleani_v⚠ | Fallbacks: GetBooleanIndexedvEXT |
GetBooleanv⚠ | |
GetBufferParameteri64v⚠ | |
GetBufferParameteriv⚠ | Fallbacks: GetBufferParameterivARB |
GetBufferPointerv⚠ | Fallbacks: GetBufferPointervARB, GetBufferPointervOES |
GetBufferSubData⚠ | Fallbacks: GetBufferSubDataARB |
GetCompressedTexImage⚠ | Fallbacks: GetCompressedTexImageARB |
GetDoublev⚠ | |
GetError⚠ | |
GetFloatv⚠ | |
GetFragDataIndex⚠ | Fallbacks: GetFragDataIndexEXT |
GetFragDataLocation⚠ | Fallbacks: GetFragDataLocationEXT |
GetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv⚠ | Fallbacks: GetFramebufferAttachmentParameterivEXT |
GetInteger64i_v⚠ | |
GetInteger64v⚠ | Fallbacks: GetInteger64vAPPLE |
GetIntegeri_v⚠ | Fallbacks: GetIntegerIndexedvEXT |
GetIntegerv⚠ | |
GetMultisamplefv⚠ | Fallbacks: GetMultisamplefvNV |
GetProgramInfoLog⚠ | |
GetProgramiv⚠ | |
GetQueryObjecti64v⚠ | Fallbacks: GetQueryObjecti64vEXT |
GetQueryObjectiv⚠ | Fallbacks: GetQueryObjectivARB, GetQueryObjectivEXT |
GetQueryObjectui64v⚠ | Fallbacks: GetQueryObjectui64vEXT |
GetQueryObjectuiv⚠ | Fallbacks: GetQueryObjectuivARB |
GetQueryiv⚠ | Fallbacks: GetQueryivARB |
GetRenderbufferParameteriv⚠ | Fallbacks: GetRenderbufferParameterivEXT |
GetSamplerParameterIiv⚠ | Fallbacks: GetSamplerParameterIivEXT, GetSamplerParameterIivOES |
GetSamplerParameterIuiv⚠ | Fallbacks: GetSamplerParameterIuivEXT, GetSamplerParameterIuivOES |
GetSamplerParameterfv⚠ | |
GetSamplerParameteriv⚠ | |
GetShaderInfoLog⚠ | |
GetShaderSource⚠ | Fallbacks: GetShaderSourceARB |
GetShaderiv⚠ | |
GetString⚠ | |
GetStringi⚠ | |
GetSynciv⚠ | Fallbacks: GetSyncivAPPLE |
GetTexImage⚠ | |
GetTexLevelParameterfv⚠ | |
GetTexLevelParameteriv⚠ | |
GetTexParameterIiv⚠ | Fallbacks: GetTexParameterIivEXT, GetTexParameterIivOES |
GetTexParameterIuiv⚠ | Fallbacks: GetTexParameterIuivEXT, GetTexParameterIuivOES |
GetTexParameterfv⚠ | |
GetTexParameteriv⚠ | |
GetTransformFeedbackVarying⚠ | Fallbacks: GetTransformFeedbackVaryingEXT |
GetUniformBlockIndex⚠ | |
GetUniformIndices⚠ | |
GetUniformLocation⚠ | Fallbacks: GetUniformLocationARB |
GetUniformfv⚠ | Fallbacks: GetUniformfvARB |
GetUniformiv⚠ | Fallbacks: GetUniformivARB |
GetUniformuiv⚠ | Fallbacks: GetUniformuivEXT |
GetVertexAttribIiv⚠ | Fallbacks: GetVertexAttribIivEXT |
GetVertexAttribIuiv⚠ | Fallbacks: GetVertexAttribIuivEXT |
GetVertexAttribPointerv⚠ | Fallbacks: GetVertexAttribPointervARB, GetVertexAttribPointervNV |
GetVertexAttribdv⚠ | Fallbacks: GetVertexAttribdvARB, GetVertexAttribdvNV |
GetVertexAttribfv⚠ | Fallbacks: GetVertexAttribfvARB, GetVertexAttribfvNV |
GetVertexAttribiv⚠ | Fallbacks: GetVertexAttribivARB, GetVertexAttribivNV |
Hint⚠ | |
IsBuffer⚠ | Fallbacks: IsBufferARB |
IsEnabled⚠ | |
IsEnabledi⚠ | Fallbacks: IsEnabledIndexedEXT, IsEnablediEXT, IsEnablediNV, IsEnablediOES |
IsFramebuffer⚠ | Fallbacks: IsFramebufferEXT |
IsProgram⚠ | |
IsQuery⚠ | Fallbacks: IsQueryARB |
IsRenderbuffer⚠ | Fallbacks: IsRenderbufferEXT |
IsSampler⚠ | |
IsShader⚠ | |
IsSync⚠ | Fallbacks: IsSyncAPPLE |
IsTexture⚠ | |
IsVertexArray⚠ | Fallbacks: IsVertexArrayAPPLE, IsVertexArrayOES |
LineWidth⚠ | |
LinkProgram⚠ | Fallbacks: LinkProgramARB |
LogicOp⚠ | |
MapBuffer⚠ | Fallbacks: MapBufferARB, MapBufferOES |
MapBufferRange⚠ | Fallbacks: MapBufferRangeEXT |
MultiDrawArrays⚠ | Fallbacks: MultiDrawArraysEXT |
MultiDrawElements⚠ | Fallbacks: MultiDrawElementsEXT |
MultiDrawElementsBaseVertex⚠ | Fallbacks: MultiDrawElementsBaseVertexEXT |
MultiTexCoordP1ui⚠ | |
MultiTexCoordP1uiv⚠ | |
MultiTexCoordP2ui⚠ | |
MultiTexCoordP2uiv⚠ | |
MultiTexCoordP3ui⚠ | |
MultiTexCoordP3uiv⚠ | |
MultiTexCoordP4ui⚠ | |
MultiTexCoordP4uiv⚠ | |
NormalP3ui⚠ | |
NormalP3uiv⚠ | |
PixelStoref⚠ | |
PixelStorei⚠ | |
PointParameterf⚠ | Fallbacks: PointParameterfARB, PointParameterfEXT, PointParameterfSGIS |
PointParameterfv⚠ | Fallbacks: PointParameterfvARB, PointParameterfvEXT, PointParameterfvSGIS |
PointParameteri⚠ | Fallbacks: PointParameteriNV |
PointParameteriv⚠ | Fallbacks: PointParameterivNV |
PointSize⚠ | |
PolygonMode⚠ | Fallbacks: PolygonModeNV |
PolygonOffset⚠ | |
PrimitiveRestartIndex⚠ | |
ProvokingVertex⚠ | Fallbacks: ProvokingVertexEXT |
QueryCounter⚠ | Fallbacks: QueryCounterEXT |
ReadBuffer⚠ | |
ReadPixels⚠ | |
RenderbufferStorage⚠ | Fallbacks: RenderbufferStorageEXT |
RenderbufferStorageMultisample⚠ | Fallbacks: RenderbufferStorageMultisampleEXT, RenderbufferStorageMultisampleNV |
SampleCoverage⚠ | Fallbacks: SampleCoverageARB |
SampleMaski⚠ | |
SamplerParameterIiv⚠ | Fallbacks: SamplerParameterIivEXT, SamplerParameterIivOES |
SamplerParameterIuiv⚠ | Fallbacks: SamplerParameterIuivEXT, SamplerParameterIuivOES |
SamplerParameterf⚠ | |
SamplerParameterfv⚠ | |
SamplerParameteri⚠ | |
SamplerParameteriv⚠ | |
Scissor⚠ | |
SecondaryColorP3ui⚠ | |
SecondaryColorP3uiv⚠ | |
ShaderSource⚠ | Fallbacks: ShaderSourceARB |
StencilFunc⚠ | |
StencilFuncSeparate⚠ | |
StencilMask⚠ | |
StencilMaskSeparate⚠ | |
StencilOp⚠ | |
StencilOpSeparate⚠ | Fallbacks: StencilOpSeparateATI |
TexBuffer⚠ | Fallbacks: TexBufferARB, TexBufferEXT, TexBufferOES |
TexCoordP1ui⚠ | |
TexCoordP1uiv⚠ | |
TexCoordP2ui⚠ | |
TexCoordP2uiv⚠ | |
TexCoordP3ui⚠ | |
TexCoordP3uiv⚠ | |
TexCoordP4ui⚠ | |
TexCoordP4uiv⚠ | |
TexImage1D⚠ | |
TexImage2D⚠ | |
TexImage2DMultisample⚠ | |
TexImage3D⚠ | Fallbacks: TexImage3DEXT |
TexImage3DMultisample⚠ | |
TexParameterIiv⚠ | Fallbacks: TexParameterIivEXT, TexParameterIivOES |
TexParameterIuiv⚠ | Fallbacks: TexParameterIuivEXT, TexParameterIuivOES |
TexParameterf⚠ | |
TexParameterfv⚠ | |
TexParameteri⚠ | |
TexParameteriv⚠ | |
TexSubImage1D⚠ | Fallbacks: TexSubImage1DEXT |
TexSubImage2D⚠ | Fallbacks: TexSubImage2DEXT |
TexSubImage3D⚠ | Fallbacks: TexSubImage3DEXT |
TransformFeedbackVaryings⚠ | Fallbacks: TransformFeedbackVaryingsEXT |
Uniform1f⚠ | Fallbacks: Uniform1fARB |
Uniform1fv⚠ | Fallbacks: Uniform1fvARB |
Uniform1i⚠ | Fallbacks: Uniform1iARB |
Uniform1iv⚠ | Fallbacks: Uniform1ivARB |
Uniform1ui⚠ | Fallbacks: Uniform1uiEXT |
Uniform1uiv⚠ | Fallbacks: Uniform1uivEXT |
Uniform2f⚠ | Fallbacks: Uniform2fARB |
Uniform2fv⚠ | Fallbacks: Uniform2fvARB |
Uniform2i⚠ | Fallbacks: Uniform2iARB |
Uniform2iv⚠ | Fallbacks: Uniform2ivARB |
Uniform2ui⚠ | Fallbacks: Uniform2uiEXT |
Uniform2uiv⚠ | Fallbacks: Uniform2uivEXT |
Uniform3f⚠ | Fallbacks: Uniform3fARB |
Uniform3fv⚠ | Fallbacks: Uniform3fvARB |
Uniform3i⚠ | Fallbacks: Uniform3iARB |
Uniform3iv⚠ | Fallbacks: Uniform3ivARB |
Uniform3ui⚠ | Fallbacks: Uniform3uiEXT |
Uniform3uiv⚠ | Fallbacks: Uniform3uivEXT |
Uniform4f⚠ | Fallbacks: Uniform4fARB |
Uniform4fv⚠ | Fallbacks: Uniform4fvARB |
Uniform4i⚠ | Fallbacks: Uniform4iARB |
Uniform4iv⚠ | Fallbacks: Uniform4ivARB |
Uniform4ui⚠ | Fallbacks: Uniform4uiEXT |
Uniform4uiv⚠ | Fallbacks: Uniform4uivEXT |
UniformBlockBinding⚠ | |
UniformMatrix2fv⚠ | Fallbacks: UniformMatrix2fvARB |
UniformMatrix3fv⚠ | Fallbacks: UniformMatrix3fvARB |
UniformMatrix4fv⚠ | Fallbacks: UniformMatrix4fvARB |
UniformMatrix2x3fv⚠ | Fallbacks: UniformMatrix2x3fvNV |
UniformMatrix2x4fv⚠ | Fallbacks: UniformMatrix2x4fvNV |
UniformMatrix3x2fv⚠ | Fallbacks: UniformMatrix3x2fvNV |
UniformMatrix3x4fv⚠ | Fallbacks: UniformMatrix3x4fvNV |
UniformMatrix4x2fv⚠ | Fallbacks: UniformMatrix4x2fvNV |
UniformMatrix4x3fv⚠ | Fallbacks: UniformMatrix4x3fvNV |
UnmapBuffer⚠ | Fallbacks: UnmapBufferARB, UnmapBufferOES |
UseProgram⚠ | Fallbacks: UseProgramObjectARB |
ValidateProgram⚠ | Fallbacks: ValidateProgramARB |
VertexAttrib1d⚠ | Fallbacks: VertexAttrib1dARB, VertexAttrib1dNV |
VertexAttrib1dv⚠ | Fallbacks: VertexAttrib1dvARB, VertexAttrib1dvNV |
VertexAttrib1f⚠ | Fallbacks: VertexAttrib1fARB, VertexAttrib1fNV |
VertexAttrib1fv⚠ | Fallbacks: VertexAttrib1fvARB, VertexAttrib1fvNV |
VertexAttrib1s⚠ | Fallbacks: VertexAttrib1sARB, VertexAttrib1sNV |
VertexAttrib1sv⚠ | Fallbacks: VertexAttrib1svARB, VertexAttrib1svNV |
VertexAttrib2d⚠ | Fallbacks: VertexAttrib2dARB, VertexAttrib2dNV |
VertexAttrib2dv⚠ | Fallbacks: VertexAttrib2dvARB, VertexAttrib2dvNV |
VertexAttrib2f⚠ | Fallbacks: VertexAttrib2fARB, VertexAttrib2fNV |
VertexAttrib2fv⚠ | Fallbacks: VertexAttrib2fvARB, VertexAttrib2fvNV |
VertexAttrib2s⚠ | Fallbacks: VertexAttrib2sARB, VertexAttrib2sNV |
VertexAttrib2sv⚠ | Fallbacks: VertexAttrib2svARB, VertexAttrib2svNV |
VertexAttrib3d⚠ | Fallbacks: VertexAttrib3dARB, VertexAttrib3dNV |
VertexAttrib3dv⚠ | Fallbacks: VertexAttrib3dvARB, VertexAttrib3dvNV |
VertexAttrib3f⚠ | Fallbacks: VertexAttrib3fARB, VertexAttrib3fNV |
VertexAttrib3fv⚠ | Fallbacks: VertexAttrib3fvARB, VertexAttrib3fvNV |
VertexAttrib3s⚠ | Fallbacks: VertexAttrib3sARB, VertexAttrib3sNV |
VertexAttrib3sv⚠ | Fallbacks: VertexAttrib3svARB, VertexAttrib3svNV |
VertexAttrib4Nbv⚠ | Fallbacks: VertexAttrib4NbvARB |
VertexAttrib4Niv⚠ | Fallbacks: VertexAttrib4NivARB |
VertexAttrib4Nsv⚠ | Fallbacks: VertexAttrib4NsvARB |
VertexAttrib4Nub⚠ | Fallbacks: VertexAttrib4NubARB, VertexAttrib4ubNV |
VertexAttrib4Nubv⚠ | Fallbacks: VertexAttrib4NubvARB, VertexAttrib4ubvNV |
VertexAttrib4Nuiv⚠ | Fallbacks: VertexAttrib4NuivARB |
VertexAttrib4Nusv⚠ | Fallbacks: VertexAttrib4NusvARB |
VertexAttrib4bv⚠ | Fallbacks: VertexAttrib4bvARB |
VertexAttrib4d⚠ | Fallbacks: VertexAttrib4dARB, VertexAttrib4dNV |
VertexAttrib4dv⚠ | Fallbacks: VertexAttrib4dvARB, VertexAttrib4dvNV |
VertexAttrib4f⚠ | Fallbacks: VertexAttrib4fARB, VertexAttrib4fNV |
VertexAttrib4fv⚠ | Fallbacks: VertexAttrib4fvARB, VertexAttrib4fvNV |
VertexAttrib4iv⚠ | Fallbacks: VertexAttrib4ivARB |
VertexAttrib4s⚠ | Fallbacks: VertexAttrib4sARB, VertexAttrib4sNV |
VertexAttrib4sv⚠ | Fallbacks: VertexAttrib4svARB, VertexAttrib4svNV |
VertexAttrib4ubv⚠ | Fallbacks: VertexAttrib4ubvARB |
VertexAttrib4uiv⚠ | Fallbacks: VertexAttrib4uivARB |
VertexAttrib4usv⚠ | Fallbacks: VertexAttrib4usvARB |
VertexAttribDivisor⚠ | Fallbacks: VertexAttribDivisorANGLE, VertexAttribDivisorARB, VertexAttribDivisorEXT, VertexAttribDivisorNV |
VertexAttribI1i⚠ | Fallbacks: VertexAttribI1iEXT |
VertexAttribI1iv⚠ | Fallbacks: VertexAttribI1ivEXT |
VertexAttribI1ui⚠ | Fallbacks: VertexAttribI1uiEXT |
VertexAttribI1uiv⚠ | Fallbacks: VertexAttribI1uivEXT |
VertexAttribI2i⚠ | Fallbacks: VertexAttribI2iEXT |
VertexAttribI2iv⚠ | Fallbacks: VertexAttribI2ivEXT |
VertexAttribI2ui⚠ | Fallbacks: VertexAttribI2uiEXT |
VertexAttribI2uiv⚠ | Fallbacks: VertexAttribI2uivEXT |
VertexAttribI3i⚠ | Fallbacks: VertexAttribI3iEXT |
VertexAttribI3iv⚠ | Fallbacks: VertexAttribI3ivEXT |
VertexAttribI3ui⚠ | Fallbacks: VertexAttribI3uiEXT |
VertexAttribI3uiv⚠ | Fallbacks: VertexAttribI3uivEXT |
VertexAttribI4bv⚠ | Fallbacks: VertexAttribI4bvEXT |
VertexAttribI4i⚠ | Fallbacks: VertexAttribI4iEXT |
VertexAttribI4iv⚠ | Fallbacks: VertexAttribI4ivEXT |
VertexAttribI4sv⚠ | Fallbacks: VertexAttribI4svEXT |
VertexAttribI4ubv⚠ | Fallbacks: VertexAttribI4ubvEXT |
VertexAttribI4ui⚠ | Fallbacks: VertexAttribI4uiEXT |
VertexAttribI4uiv⚠ | Fallbacks: VertexAttribI4uivEXT |
VertexAttribI4usv⚠ | Fallbacks: VertexAttribI4usvEXT |
VertexAttribIPointer⚠ | Fallbacks: VertexAttribIPointerEXT |
VertexAttribP1ui⚠ | |
VertexAttribP1uiv⚠ | |
VertexAttribP2ui⚠ | |
VertexAttribP2uiv⚠ | |
VertexAttribP3ui⚠ | |
VertexAttribP3uiv⚠ | |
VertexAttribP4ui⚠ | |
VertexAttribP4uiv⚠ | |
VertexAttribPointer⚠ | Fallbacks: VertexAttribPointerARB |
VertexP2ui⚠ | |
VertexP2uiv⚠ | |
VertexP3ui⚠ | |
VertexP3uiv⚠ | |
VertexP4ui⚠ | |
VertexP4uiv⚠ | |
Viewport⚠ | |
WaitSync⚠ | Fallbacks: WaitSyncAPPLE |
load_with | Load each OpenGL symbol using a custom load function. This allows for the
use of functions like |