Crate uclicious

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§Uclicious Build Status codecov

§What is Uclicious

Uclicious is a flexible reduced boilerplate configuration framework.

Uclicious is built on top of libucl. If you ever wrote an nginx configurtion and though “Damn, I wish all configuration files were like this” this is the library for you. Internal parser supports both: nginx-like and json-like formats. JSON parser is a little bit more permissive than “proper” json parser - every json file is a valid UCL file, but not other way around. It is much more complex than json or TOML, so I recommend reading documentaiton about it. Author of UCL did a great job documenting it. This library provides both: derive-driven and raw-api driven usage patterns.


§Raw API

Raw API involves interacting with libucl parser via safe api:

use uclicious::*;
let mut parser = Parser::default();
let input = r#"
test_string = "no scope"
a_float = 3.14
an_integer = 69420
is_it_good = yes
buffer_size = 1KB
interval = 1s
parser.add_chunk_full(input, Priority::default(), DEFAULT_DUPLICATE_STRATEGY).unwrap();
let result = parser.get_object().unwrap();

let lookup_result = result.lookup("test_string").unwrap().as_string().unwrap();
assert_eq!(lookup_result.as_str(), "no scope");

let lookup_result = result.lookup("a_float").unwrap().as_f64().unwrap();
assert_eq!(lookup_result, 3.14f64);

let lookup_result = result.lookup("an_integer").unwrap().as_i64().unwrap();
assert_eq!(lookup_result, 69420i64);

let lookup_result = result.lookup("is_it_good").unwrap().as_bool().unwrap();
assert_eq!(lookup_result, true);

let lookup_result = result.lookup("buffer_size").unwrap().as_i64().unwrap();
assert_eq!(lookup_result, 1024);
let lookup_result = result.lookup("interval").unwrap().as_time().unwrap();
assert_eq!(lookup_result, 1.0f64);

In order to get around rust rules library implemets its own trait FromObject for some basic types:

use uclicious::*;
let mut parser = Parser::default();
let input = r#"
test_string = "no scope"
a_float = 3.14
an_integer = 69420
is_it_good = yes
buffer_size = 1KB
parser.add_chunk_full(input, Priority::default(), DEFAULT_DUPLICATE_STRATEGY).unwrap();
let result = parser.get_object().unwrap();

let lookup_result = result.lookup("is_it_good").unwrap();
let maybe: Option<bool> = FromObject::try_from(lookup_result).unwrap();
assert_eq!(Some(true), maybe);


On top of “raw” interface to libUCL, Uclicious provides an easy way to derive constructor for strucs:

use uclicious::*;
use std::path::PathBuf;
use std::net::SocketAddr;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::time::Duration;

#[ucl(var(name = "test", value = "works"))]
struct Connection {
   enabled: bool,
   host: String,
   #[ucl(default = "420")]
   port: i64,
   buffer: u64,
   #[ucl(path = "type")]
   kind: String,
   locations: Vec<PathBuf>,
   addr: SocketAddr,
   extra: Extra,
   #[ucl(path = "")]
   hosts: Vec<String>,
   option: Option<String>,
   gates: HashMap<String, bool>,
   interval: Duration,

struct Extra {
   enabled: bool
let mut builder = Connection::builder().unwrap();

let input = r#"
    enabled = yes
    host = "some.fake.url"
    buffer = 1mb
    type = $test
    locations = "/etc/"
    addr = ""
    extra = {
       enabled = on
    subsection {
       host = [host1, host2]
   interval = 10ms
   gates {
        feature_1 = on
        feature_2 = off
        feature_3 = on

builder.add_chunk_full(input, Priority::default(), DEFAULT_DUPLICATE_STRATEGY).unwrap();
let connection: Connection =;

If you choose to derive builder then ::builder() method will be added to target struct.


Library supports running optional validators on values before building the resulting struct:

use uclicious::*;
mod validators {
   use uclicious::ObjectError;
    pub fn is_positive(lookup_path: &str, value: &i64) -> Result<(), ObjectError> {
        if *value > 0 {
        } else {
            Err(ObjectError::other(format!("{} is not a positive number", lookup_path)))
struct Validated {
   #[ucl(default, validate="validators::is_positive")]
    number: i64
let mut builder = Validated::builder().unwrap();

let input = "number = -1";
builder.add_chunk_full(input, Priority::default(), DEFAULT_DUPLICATE_STRATEGY).unwrap();
§Type Mapping

If your target structure has types that don’t implement FromObject you can use From or TryFrom via intermediate that does:

use uclicious::*;
use std::convert::{From,TryFrom};

#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
enum Mode {

impl TryFrom<String> for Mode {
    type Error = ObjectError;
    fn try_from(src: String) -> Result<Mode, ObjectError> {
        match src.to_lowercase().as_str() {
            "on" => Ok(Mode::On),
            "off" => Ok(Mode::Off),
            _   => Err(ObjectError::other(format!("{} is not supported value", src)))

#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
struct WrappedInt(i64);

impl From<i64> for WrappedInt {
    fn from(src: i64) -> WrappedInt {

#[derive(Debug,Uclicious, Eq, PartialEq)]
struct Mapped {
    number: WrappedInt,
    mode: Mode
let mut builder = Mapped::builder().unwrap();

let input = r#"
    number = -1,
    mode = "on"
builder.add_chunk_full(input, Priority::default(), DEFAULT_DUPLICATE_STRATEGY).unwrap();
let actual =;
let expected = Mapped {
number: WrappedInt(-1),
mode: Mode::On
assert_eq!(expected, actual);

Additionally you can provide mapping to your type from ObjectRef:

use uclicious::*;

#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub enum Mode {

pub fn map_bool(src: ObjectRef) -> Result<Mode, ObjectError> {
    let bool: bool = src.try_into()?;
    if bool {
    } else {
#[derive(Debug,Uclicious, Eq, PartialEq)]
struct Mapped {
    mode: Mode
let mut builder = Mapped::builder().unwrap();

let input = r#"
    mode = on
builder.add_chunk_full(input, Priority::default(), DEFAULT_DUPLICATE_STRATEGY).unwrap();
let actual =;
let expected = Mapped {
    mode: Mode::On

§Supported attributes (#[ucl(..)])

§Structure level
  • skip_builder
    • if set, then builder and builder methods won’t be generated.
  • parser(..)
    • Optional attribute to configure inner parser.
    • Has following nested attributes:
      • flags
        • a path to function that returns flags.
      • filevars(..)
        • call set_filevars on a parser.
        • Has following nested attributes:
          • path
            • a string representation of filepath.
          • expand
            • (optional) if set, then variables would be expanded to absolute.
  • pre_source_hook(...)
    • Optional attribute to run a function before sources are added
    • Can be used to register vars handler
    • Must take &mut Parser as argument and return Result<(), Into<UclError>>
  • var(..)
    • Optional attribute to register string variables with the parser.
    • Has following nested attributes:
      • name
        • A name of the variable without $ part.
      • value
        • A string values for the variable.
        • Onlt string variables are supported by libUCL.
  • include(..)
    • Used to add files into the parser.
    • If file doesn’t exist or failed to parse, then error will be returned in a constructor.
    • Must specify exactly one of following sources: path, chunk or chunk_static
    • Has following nested attirbutes:
      • (semi-optional) path = string
        • File path. Can be absolute or relative to CWD.
      • (semi-optional) chunk = string
        • A string that will be added to parser as a chunk.
      • (semi-optional) chunk_static = string
        • A path to a file that will be included into binary with include_str!()
      • (optional) priority = u32
        • 0-15 priority for the source. Consult the libUCL documentation for more information.
      • (optional) strategy = uclicious::DuplicateStrategy
        • Strategy to use for duplicate keys. Consult the libUCL documentation for more information.
§Field level

All field level options are optional.

  • default
    • Use Default::default if key not found in object.
  • default = expression
    • Use this expression as value if key not found.
    • Could be a value or a function call.
  • path = string
    • By default field name is used as path.
    • If set that would be used as a key.
    • dot notation for key is supported.
  • validate = path::to_method
    • Fn(key: &str, value: &T) -> Result<(), E>
    • Error needs to be convertable into ObjectError
  • from = Type
    • Try to convert ObjectRef to Type and then use std::convert::From to convert into target type
  • try_from = Type
    • Try to convert ObjectRef to Type and then use std::convert::TryFrom to convert into target type
    • Error will be converted into ObjectError::Other
  • map = path::to_method
    • Fn(src: ObjectRef) -> Result<T, E>
    • A way to map foreign objects that can’t implement From or TryFrom or when error is not convertable into ObjectError

§Additional notes

  • If target type is an array, but key is a single value — an implicit list is created.
  • Automatic derive on enums is not supported, but you can implement it yourself.
  • I have a few more features I want to implement before publishing this crate:
    • Ability to add variables.
    • Ability to add macross handlers.
    • (maybe) configure parser that us used for derived builder with atrributes.
    • (done) add sources to parser with attributes.


PRs, feature requests, bug reports are welcome. I won’t be adding CoC — be civilized.

§Particular Contributions of Interest
  • Optimize derive code.
  • Improve documentation — I often write late and night and some it might look like a word soup.
  • Better tests
  • Glob support in derive parser section
  • Variable handler


  • Provider safe and convient configuration library
  • Automatic derive, so you don’t have to think about parser object

§Not Goals

  • Providing UCL Object generation tools is not a goal for this project
  • 1:1 interface to libUCL
  • sugar inside raw module

§Special thanks

  • draft6 and hauleth
    • libucl-rs was a good starting point
    • Type wrappers pretty much copied from there
  • colin-kiegel
    • Rust-derive-builder was used as a starting point for uclicious-derive
    • Very well documented proc_macro crate, do recommend




pub use error::UclError;
pub use error::UclErrorType;
pub use raw::DuplicateStrategy;
pub use raw::Object;
pub use raw::ObjectError;
pub use raw::ObjectRef;
pub use raw::Parser;
pub use raw::ParserFlags;
pub use raw::Priority;
pub use traits::FromObject;
pub use traits::TryInto;


Low level library that could be returned by the parser. Based on
Low level interface to libUCL.
Various traits that help you reduce boilerplate while using uclicious.
Safe implementations of vars handler from libUCL.