pub trait SiemDatasetManager: Send {
    fn local_channel(&self) -> Sender<SiemMessage>;
    fn set_kernel_sender(&mut self, sender: Sender<SiemMessage>);
    fn run(&mut self);
    fn register_dataset(&mut self, dataset: SiemDatasetType);
    fn register_datasets(&mut self, datasets: Vec<SiemDatasetType>);
    fn get_datasets(&self) -> Arc<Mutex<DatasetHolder>>;

    fn name(&self) -> &str { ... }

Required Methods

Get the channel to this component

Sets the channel to communicate with the kernel.

Execute the logic of this component in an infinite loop. Must be stopped using Commands sent using the channel.

The kernel registers the datasets of the components

The kernel registers the datasets of the components

Get the list of datasets to initialize components. This must be the live version of the datasets shared only between the DatasetManager and the Kernel

Provided Methods
