initSidebarItems({"type":[["Add1","Alias to make it easy to add 1: `Add1 = >::Output`"],["And","Alias for the associated type of `BitAnd`: `And = >::Output`"],["Compare","Alias for the associated type of `Cmp`: `Compare = >::Output`"],["Cube","Alias to make it easy to square. `Cube = as Mul>::Output`"],["Diff","Alias for the associated type of `Sub`: `Diff = >::Output`"],["Exp","Alias for the associated type of `Pow`: `Exp = >::Output`"],["Mod","Alias for the associated type of `Rem`: `Mod = >::Output`"],["Negate","Alias for the associated type of `Neg`: `Negate = ::Output`"],["Or","Alias for the associated type of `BitOr`: `Or = >::Output`"],["Prod","Alias for the associated type of `Mul`: `Prod = >::Output`"],["Quot","Alias for the associated type of `Div`: `Quot = >::Output`"],["Shleft","Alias for the associated type of `Shl`: `Shleft = >::Output`"],["Shright","Alias for the associated type of `Shr`: `Shright = >::Output`"],["Square","Alias to make it easy to square. `Square = >::Output`"],["Sub1","Alias to make it easy to subtract 1: `Sub1 = >::Output`"],["Sum","Alias for the associated type of `Add`: `Sum = >::Output`"],["Xor","Alias for the associated type of `BitXor`: `Xor = >::Output`"]]});