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typed-format-version: load format.version.{major,minor} from a structured file.

This library tries to parse a format.version “section” in some raw data that may have been loaded from a configuration file, and determines whether that section contains valid “major” and “minor” integer values. The caller can then choose the correct schema to validate the loaded data against, e.g. by using a serde-derived library with the correct top-level dataclass definition.

The most commonly used function will probably be get_version_from_str(): it takes a string and a deserialization function and returns a Version object with a major and minor integer attributes, if the data contained a valid “format” element with a “version” element within it.

// This would usually be read from a file.
let contents = r#"{"format": {"version": {"major": 1, "minor": 3}}, "data": ["hello"]}"#;

let fver = typed_format_version::get_version_from_str(&contents, serde_json::from_str)
   .expect("Could not get the data format version");
if (fver.major(), fver.minor()) != (1, 3) {
    panic!("Unexpected data format version {}.{}", fver.major(), fver.minor());
// Load the data as usual using e.g. serde_json::from_str().

Examining the returned version also allows loading data in different formats using e.g. deserialization of different top-level structures and then performing some kind of data migration to the preferred one.


The metadata about the file format, currently the version information.

The top-level element containing a “format” structure.

The representation of a major.minor version string.


An error that occurred during the processing of the format data.


Parse the format section from a string.

Parse the format section from an arbitrary value. The from_value_fn parameter can be a function like e.g. serde_json::from_value() or serde_yaml::from_value().

Parse format.version from a string.

Parse format.version from an arbitrary value. The from_value_fn parameter can be a function like e.g. serde_json::from_value() or serde_yaml::from_value().

Type Definitions

A trivial representation of a major.minor version string.