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Examples with New York City Grand Central Terminal:

let latitude: LatitudeAsDecimalDegreeAsTypeF64 = 40.652687;
let longitude: LongitudeAsDecimalDegreeAsTypeF64 = -73.877188;

Representations of latitude and longitude

Geolocation of latitude and longitude can use a variety of representations such as:

  • Decimal Degree (DD). This is the most common representation.

  • Degree and Minute (DM). This has degree as an integer, and minute as an integer (rarely) or decimal (typically). This representation is sometimes used for historical data or for legal reasons.

  • Degree and Minute and Second (DMS). This has degree as an integer, minute as an integer, and second is an integer (rarely) or decimal (typically). This representation is sometimes used for historical data or for legal reasons.

Example as Decimal Degree (DD) representation:

let latitude_dd: LatitudeAsDecimalDegreeAsTypeF64 = 40.652687;

Example as Degree Minute Second (DMS) representation:

let latitude_dm_degree: LatitudeAsDegreeMinuteWithDegreeAsTypeI16 = 40;
let latitude_dm_minute: LatitudeAsDegreeMinuteWithMinuteAsTypeF32 = 39.16122;

Example as Degree Minute Second (DMS) representation:

let latitude_dms_degree: LatitudeAsDegreeMinuteSecondWithDegreeAsTypeI16 = 40;
let latitude_dms_minute: LatitudeAsDegreeMinuteSecondWithMinuteAsTypeI8 = 39;
let latitude_dms_second: LatitudeAsDegreeMinuteSecondWithSecondAsTypeF32 = 9.6732;


Type Definitions