Expand description

Media type

Example: The media type code “text/plain” means that content (e.g. a software file) is the media type supertype “text” (e.g. not an image, not a movie, etc.) and media type subtype “plain” (e.g. not hypertext, not markdown, etc.).

Examples of common media type codes:

  • text/plain is a typical note file

  • image/jpeg is a typical photo file

  • audio/ogg is a typical sound file

  • video/mpeg is a typical movie file

  • application/json is a typical data file

Media Type Code


let x = MediaTypeCodeAsStructStr("text/plain");
let x = MediaTypeCodeAsStructStr("image/jpeg");
let x = MediaTypeCodeAsStructStr("audio/ogg");
let x = MediaTypeCodeAsStructStr("video/mpeg");
let x = MediaTypeCodeAsStructStr("application/json");

Media Type Supertype


let x = MediaTypeSupertypeAsStructStr("text");        // e.g. "text/plain"
let x = MediaTypeSupertypeAsStructStr("image");       // e.g. "image/jpeg"
let x = MediaTypeSupertypeAsStructStr("audio");       // e.g. "audio/ogg"
let x = MediaTypeSupertypeAsStructStr("video");       // e.g. "video/mpeg"
let x = MediaTypeSupertypeAsStructStr("application"); // e.g. "application/json"

Media Type Subtype


let x = MediaTypeSubtypeAsStructStr("plain"); // e.g. "text/plain"
let x = MediaTypeSubtypeAsStructStr("jpeg");  // e.g. "image/jpeg"
let x = MediaTypeSubtypeAsStructStr("ogg");   // e.g. "audio/ogg"
let x = MediaTypeSubtypeAsStructStr("mpeg");  // e.g. "video/mpeg"
let x = MediaTypeSubtypeAsStructStr("json");  // e.g. "application/json"

Media Type Suffix


let x = MediaTypeSuffixAsStructStr("+json");
let x = MediaTypeSuffixAsStructStr("+zip");

Media Type Parameter


let x = MediaTypeParameterAsStructStr("charset=UTF-8");
let x = MediaTypeParameterAsStructStr("charset=UTF-16");
let x = MediaTypeParameterAsStructStr("charset=ASCII");
let x = MediaTypeParameterAsStructStr("boundary=alpha");
let x = MediaTypeParameterAsStructStr("boundary=bravo");
let x = MediaTypeParameterAsStructStr("boundary=charlie");

Media Type Tree


let x = MediaTypeTreeAsStructStr("x."); // x means unregistered
let x = MediaTypeTreeAsStructStr("vnd."); // vnd means vendor


Type Definitions