initSidebarItems({"struct":[["Pred","The predecessor of `N`, i.e. a negative number."],["Succ","The successor of `N`, i.e. a positive number."],["Zero","The number type for zero (0)."]],"trait":[["Add","Addition of number types."],["Decr","Decrementation of number types."],["Div","Division of number types."],["Halve","Halving of number types. `Div<_,P2>` could be used instead of this, but `Div` stresses the typechecker more than `Halve`, so that `Halve` can be used with larger numbers without running into the recursion limit."],["Incr","Incrementation of number types."],["Mul","Subtraction of number types."],["Neg","Negation of number types."],["NegType","Marker trait for negative numbers (including zero)."],["NumType","Basic trait implemented by all number types."],["PosType","Marker trait for positive numbers (including zero)."],["Sub","Subtraction of number types."]],"type":[["N1","Shorthand for the number –1 (the first predecessor of zero)."],["N2","Shorthand for the number –2 (the second predecessor of zero)."],["N3","Shorthand for the number –3 (the third predecessor of zero)."],["N4","Shorthand for the number –4 (the fourth predecessor of zero)."],["N5","Shorthand for the number –5 (the fifth predecessor of zero)."],["N6","Shorthand for the number –6 (the sixth predecessor of zero)."],["N7","Shorthand for the number –7 (the seventh predecessor of zero)."],["N8","Shorthand for the number –8 (the eight predecessor of zero)."],["N9","Shorthand for the number –9 (the ninth predecessor of zero)."],["P1","Shorthand for the number 1 (the first successor of zero)."],["P2","Shorthand for the number 2 (the second successor of zero)."],["P3","Shorthand for the number 3 (the third successor of zero)."],["P4","Shorthand for the number 4 (the fourth successor of zero)."],["P5","Shorthand for the number 5 (the fifth successor of zero)."],["P6","Shorthand for the number 6 (the sixth successor of zero)."],["P7","Shorthand for the number 7 (the seventh successor of zero)."],["P8","Shorthand for the number 8 (the eighth successor of zero)."],["P9","Shorthand for the number 9 (the nineth successor of zero)."]]});