Module tycho::partial[][src]

Partial unmarshall and traversal. (requires partial feature)


Parital reading is for:

  • Reading large tycho encoded files.

Parital reading is not for:

  • Reading from streams/sockets.

Tycho Parital reading is designed for reading from large files where proccessing is limited such as in a database or data store, where the contents do not need to be serialized.

Quick Example

use tycho::partial::{PartialReader, PartialElement};

// Create a partial reader from a vec with example bytes.
let mut reader = PartialReader::from_vec(vec![
    /* ... */

// Get the root element from
let root = reader.element().unwrap();

// check if the root element is a structure
if let PartialElement::Struct(mut s) = root {

    // iterate over fields with reader.
    for (key, value) in s.iter(&mut reader) {
        println!("{:?}: {:?}", key, value);

Getting Started


Parital reading requires a ParitalReader to be created. The partial reader has an internal pointer and handles state management.

A ParitalReader can wrap any type that implements Read and Seek and thier respective async counterparts.

ParitalReader then implements its own Read trait that handles the pointer when read.

// From a Vec<u8>
use tycho::partial::PartialReader;

let mut reader = PartialReader::from_vec(Vec::<u8>::new());
// From a cursor
use std::io::Cursor;
use tycho::partial::PartialReader;

let cursor = Cursor::new(Vec::<u8>::new());
let mut reader = PartialReader::from(cursor);
// From a file
use std::io::{Cursor, BufReader};
use tycho::partial::PartialReader;
use std::fs::File;

let file = File::open("path/to/file").unwrap();
let buf = BufReader::new(file);
let mut reader = PartialReader::from(buf);


Pointers map to a set of bytes within a reader. They contain a position and size, with position representing the start loaction and size the data length.

Pointers are given out within a ParitalElement and wrapped within a container type. While the user may not interact with a pointer directly it may help with understanding how tycho paritally parses bytes.


ParitalElements contain a proccessed value or a unproccess container with its respective pointer.

Within this libary there are four types of partial element:

  • Proccessed (Unit, Value)
  • Pointing (Option, Variant)
  • Container (Struct, List, Map, Array)
  • Compression (Compression)

Proccessed values can be accesed by pattern matching the ParitalElement enum, which will return a normaal value.

Pointing elements return a box with another partial element which can be pattern matched and handled accordingly.

Container elements allow you to iterate over thier children one at a time. See below for more infomation

Compression elements allow you to get the bytes or another partial element upon request.


All container types (Struct, List, Map, Array) share a PartialContainer which takes a generic.

The PartialContainer type has another head pointer to keep track of the current item.

*Further documentation soon



The common container structure used within container types.


Container types returned during partial parsing.



A pointer, referring to a block of data in a partial reader.


A reader with an inner pointer and state management for reading tycho partially.



A partial, unread, element with a pointer.

Type Definitions


A partial reader type with AsyncRead and AsyncSeek