[][src]Macro twitch_helix::helix_url

macro_rules! helix_url {
    (@base) => { ... };
    ( $($path:ident)/ * ) => { ... };

Creates a url to a helix page


This macro takes any number of arguments, identifiers, separated by slashes, /, to build the full url. There may not exist a trailing /.


The following examples demonstrates how to use the macro

assert_eq!( helix_url!().as_str(), "https://api.twitch.tv/helix" );
assert_eq!( helix_url!(my/page).as_str(), "https://api.twitch.tv/helix/my/page" );

The following example doesn't compile because of the trailing /

This example deliberately fails to compile
let my_url = helix_url!(my/page/); // Error: trailing `/`