
Module twang::ops

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A collection of auditory effects.


Hard clipping / limiting.

Limit amplitude of a sample with another.

Control the gain of the input the amplitude of another sample.

Noise gate.

Parameters of the Noise Gate.

Signal inverter.

Soft clipping / limiting.

Maximum value of two samples (warning: -0.25 > -0.5, if you want maximum amplitude; -0.5 > -0.25 use Far).

Minimum value of two samples (warning: -0.5 < -0.25, if you want minimum amplitude; -0.25 < -0.5 use Near).

Limit amplitude of a sample with another.

Room effect. Use to add reflections to the sound. Reflections can create either echo (> 50 ms delay) or reverb (< 30 ms delay).