Module tutil::crayon [] [src]

A module for handling terminal output styling.

It would be fair to say that this module is a rip off of is heavily influenced by ogham's ansi_term crate and peter-murach's Pastel library. However if there is something original of mine in here it would be true-colour support at the very least.

OS Support

  • Linux
  • OS X
  • FreeBSD

Most other POSIX/*nix systems will probably work as well.

Windows support is planned.

Basic Usage

The two main data structures in this module are Style, which holds stylistic information such as the foreground colour, the background colour and other properties such as if the text should be bold, blinking, etc. and ANSIString, which is string paired with a Style.

In order to format a string, call the paint() method on a Style or Color. For example, here is how you get red text and blue text:

use tutil::crayon::Color::{Red, Blue};

println!("{}", Red.paint("Hello world in red!"));
println!("{}", Blue.paint("Hello world in blue!"));

It is worth noting that paint() does not actually return a string with the escape codes surrounding it, but instead returns a StyledString that has an implementation of Display that will return the escape codes as well as the string when formatted.

In the case that you do want the escape codes, you can convert the StyledString to a string:

use std::string::ToString;
use tutil::crayon::Color::Blue;

let string = Blue.paint("Hello!").to_string(); // => "\x1b[34mTEST\x1b[0m"

Advanced Usage

For complex styling you can construct a Style object rather than operating directly on a Color:

use tutil::crayon::Style;
use tutil::crayon::Color::{Red, Blue};

// Red blinking text on a black background:
println!("This will be {} and this will be {}.",
         Style::new().foreground(Red).bold().paint("red and bold"),
         Style::new().foreground(Blue).italic().paint("blue and italic"));

The same styling methods that you can use on a Style have been implemented on the Color struct, allowing you to skip creating an empty Style with Style::new():

use tutil::crayon::Color::{Red, Blue};

// Red blinking text on a black background:
println!("This will be {} and this will be {}.",
         Red.bold().paint("red and bold"),
         Blue.italic().paint("blue and italic"));



A collection of properties that are used to format a string.


A string coupled with a Style in order to display it in a terminal.



A Color is a specific ANSI colour name which can refer to either the foreground or background.