Function turbojpeg::compress_image

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pub fn compress_image<P>(
    image_buf: &ImageBuffer<P, Vec<u8>>,
    quality: i32,
    subsamp: Subsamp
) -> Result<OwnedBuf>
where P: JpegPixel + 'static,
Expand description

Compresses an image::ImageBuffer into JPEG.

quality controls the tradeoff between image quality and size of the compressed image. It ranges from 1 (worst quality, smallest size) to 100 (best quality, largest size).

subsamp sets the level of chrominance subsampling of the compressed JPEG image (please see the documentation of Subsamp for details). Use Subsamp::None for no subsampling (highest quality).


// create an `image::RgbImage`
let image = image::RgbImage::from_fn(256, 256, |x, y| image::Rgb([x as u8, y as u8, 128]));

// compress `image` into JPEG with quality 95 and 2x2 chrominance subsampling
let jpeg_data = turbojpeg::compress_image(&image, 95, turbojpeg::Subsamp::Sub2x2)?;

// write the JPEG to disk
std::fs::write(std::env::temp_dir().join("gradient.jpg"), &jpeg_data)?;