
Provides configuration information for all vaults, leveraged yield farms, lending reserves, etc.. This module is broken down into a few different folders levfarm - configuration leveraged yield farms (also includes lending reserves) strategy- configuration strategy vaults deposit_tracking - configuration
tulip v1 lending program account types, and helper functions
variety of math helper functions sourced spl lending program library
provides support for reading pyth price feeds from tulip’s pyth price manager program this should in theory work with any pyth v2 price account out there, however it is only tested with the accounts that tulip publishes prices for via our own price feed program.
Functions for converting strings to the “tag format”, and taking a tag formatted value and converting it back into a string. Assumes all data is standard UTF8 encoded
provides a tokenized vault shares trait and pausable action trait similar to OpenZeppelin’s pausable library
provides helper functions for parsing the Tulip V2 vault tag format


msg_panic! is a wrapper around the msg! and panic! macros used to log an error message, and panic in bpf environments which do not actually show a message emitted by a panic macro
msg_trace! is a wrapper around the msg! macro, that faciliates logging trace level logs, which include the file and line number from where the message was emitted.
sums size of the values provided
