Function tuifw_screen::init

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pub unsafe fn init(
    max_size: Option<(u16, u16)>,
    error_alloc: Option<&'static dyn Allocator>
) -> Result<Box<dyn Screen>, Error>
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This function may initialize ncurses lib. It is safe iff no other code in application calls ncurses functions while Screen instance is alive. This rule also applies to another Screen instance: it is not safe to call init/init_in again until Screen created by previous call is dropped.

Also, iff compiled with cfg(target_os="dos") this method may not be invoked until it is guaranteed the memory addresses in 0xB8000 .. 0xBBE80 are not used by Rust abstract machine.

It is impossible to garantee this conditions on a library level. So this unsafity should be propagated through all wrappers to the final application.