Module tskit::bindings

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Low-level (“unsafe”) bindings to the C API.

This module is a 1-to-1 mapping of C types and functions for both tskit and kastore. The bindings are generate via bindgen.

Using things from this module will be unsafe. Further, as many of the types require init() methods to correctly set up the structs, one has to coerce rust into allowing uninitialized variables:

use std::mem::MaybeUninit;
let mut edges: MaybeUninit<tskit::bindings::tsk_edge_table_t> = MaybeUninit::uninit();
unsafe {
    let _ = tskit::bindings::tsk_edge_table_init(edges.as_mut_ptr(), 0);
    let _ = tskit::bindings::tsk_edge_table_add_row(edges.as_mut_ptr(), 0., 10., 0, 1, std::ptr::null(), 0);
    assert_eq!((*edges.as_ptr()).num_rows, 1);

The best source for documentation will be the tskit docs. Those docs describe the most important parts of the C API. This module contains the same types/functions with the same names.




Type Definitions