Module tskit::metadata

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Support for table row metadata

Metadata refers to data that client code may need to associate with table rows, but the data are not necessary to perform algorithms on tables nor on trees.

For complete details, see the data model descriptions here

The most straightfoward way to implement metadata is to use the optional derive feature of tskit. This feature enables derive macros to convert your types to metadata types via serde.

Note that you will need to add serde as a dependency of your package, as you will need its Serialize and Deserialize derive macros available.

Without the derive macros provided by tskit, you must impl MetadataRoundtrip and the approprate table metadata tag marker for your type. An example of such “manual” metadata type registration is shown as the last example below.

A technical details section follows the examples


Mutation metadata encoded as JSON

use tskit::handle_metadata_return;

#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, tskit::metadata::MutationMetadata)]
pub struct MyMutation {
    origin_time: i32,
    effect_size: f64,
    dominance: f64,

let mut tables = tskit::TableCollection::new(100.).unwrap();
let mutation = MyMutation{origin_time: 100,
    effect_size: -1e-4,
    dominance: 0.25};

// Add table row with metadata.
let id = tables.add_mutation_with_metadata(0, 0, tskit::MutationId::NULL, 100., None,

// Decode the metadata
// The two unwraps are:
// 1. Handle Errors vs Option.
// 2. Handle the option for the case of no error.
let decoded = tables.mutations().metadata::<MyMutation>(id).unwrap().unwrap();
assert_eq!(mutation.origin_time, decoded.origin_time);
match decoded.effect_size.partial_cmp(&mutation.effect_size) {
    Some(std::cmp::Ordering::Greater) => assert!(false),
    Some(std::cmp::Ordering::Less) => assert!(false),
    Some(std::cmp::Ordering::Equal) => (),
    None => panic!("bad comparison"),
match decoded.dominance.partial_cmp(&mutation.dominance) {
    Some(std::cmp::Ordering::Greater) => assert!(false),
    Some(std::cmp::Ordering::Less) => assert!(false),
    Some(std::cmp::Ordering::Equal) => (),
    None => panic!("bad comparison"),

Example: individual metadata implemented via newtypes

This time, we use bincode via serde.

#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, PartialEq, PartialOrd)]
struct GeneticValue(f64);

#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, tskit::metadata::IndividualMetadata)]
struct IndividualMetadata {
    genetic_value: GeneticValue,
let mut tables = tskit::TableCollection::new(100.).unwrap();
let individual = IndividualMetadata {
    genetic_value: GeneticValue(0.0),
let id = tables.add_individual_with_metadata(0, &[] as &[tskit::Location], &[tskit::IndividualId::NULL], &individual).unwrap();
let decoded = tables.individuals().metadata::<IndividualMetadata>(id).unwrap().unwrap();
assert_eq!(decoded.genetic_value.partial_cmp(&individual.genetic_value).unwrap(), std::cmp::Ordering::Equal);

Example: manual implementation of all of the traits.

Okay, let’s do things the hard way. We will use a serializer not supported by tskit right now. For fun, we’ll use the Python pickle format.

#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)]
struct Metadata {
    data: String,

// Manually implement the metadata round trip trait.
// You must propogate any errors back via Box, else
// risk a `panic!`.
impl tskit::metadata::MetadataRoundtrip for Metadata {
    fn encode(&self) -> Result<Vec<u8>, tskit::metadata::MetadataError> {
        match serde_pickle::to_vec(self, serde_pickle::SerOptions::default()) {
            Ok(v) => Ok(v),
            Err(e) => Err(tskit::metadata::MetadataError::RoundtripError{ value: Box::new(e) }),

    fn decode(md: &[u8]) -> Result<Self, tskit::metadata::MetadataError> {
        match serde_pickle::from_slice(md, serde_pickle::DeOptions::default()) {
            Ok(x) => Ok(x),
            Err(e) => Err(tskit::metadata::MetadataError::RoundtripError{ value: Box::new(e) }),

// If we want this to be, say, node metadata, then we need to mark
// it as such:
impl tskit::metadata::NodeMetadata for Metadata {}

// Ready to rock:
let mut tables = tskit::TableCollection::new(1.).unwrap();
let id = tables
        &Metadata {
            data: "Bananas".to_string(),

let decoded = tables.nodes().metadata::<Metadata>(id).unwrap().unwrap();
assert_eq!(, "Bananas".to_string());

Technial details and notes

  • The derive macros currently support two serde methods: serde_json and bincode.
  • A concept like “mutation metadata” is the combination of two traits: MetadataRoundtrip plus MutationMetadata. The latter is a marker trait. The derive macros handle all of this “boiler plate” for you.


  • We have not yet tested importing metadata encoded using rust into Python via the tskit Python API.



Marker trait indicating MetadataRoundtrip for the edge table of a TableCollection.
Marker trait indicating MetadataRoundtrip for the individual table of a TableCollection.
Trait marking a type as table metadata
Marker trait indicating MetadataRoundtrip for the migration table of a TableCollection.
Marker trait indicating MetadataRoundtrip for the mutation table of a TableCollection.
Marker trait indicating MetadataRoundtrip for the node table of a TableCollection.
Marker trait indicating MetadataRoundtrip for the population table of a TableCollection.
Marker trait indicating MetadataRoundtrip for the site table of a TableCollection.