macro_rules! accessor_property {
    ($accessor:ident) => { ... };
    ($accessor:ident($($arg:expr),* $(,)?)) => { ... };
    ($conversion:ident, $accessor:ident) => { ... };
    ($conversion:ident, $accessor:ident($($arg:expr),* $(,)?)) => { ... };
    ($conversion:ident, $accessor:ident, $b:block) => { ... };
    ($conversion:ident, $accessor:ident($($arg:expr),* $(,)?), $b:block) => { ... };
Expand description

Helper for making property resolver functions based on accessor methods.

In principle exactly the same as field_property!, but where the property is to be accessed using an accessor function instead of as a field.


In the following example, name would be accessed using a field, but the age is accessed using a function:

#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
struct User {
    id: String
    // ...

impl User {
    pub fn age(&self) -> u8 {
        // Some calculation

// In implementation of `BasicAdapter`
fn resolve_property(
    // &mut self,
    contexts: ContextIterator<'static, User>,
    type_name: &str,
    property_name: &str,
) -> ContextOutcomeIterator<'static, User, FieldValue> {
    match (type_name, property_name) {
        ("User", "id") => resolve_property_with(contexts, field_property!(id)),
        ("User", "age") => resolve_property_with(contexts, accessor_property!(age)),
        // ...
        _ => unreachable!()

If the function to be called requires additional arguments, they can be specified as part of naming the function and the argument values will be moved into the generated closure.

#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
struct User {
    // ...

impl User {
    pub fn age(&self, current_year: i64) -> i64 {
        // Some calculation

// In implementation of `BasicAdapter`
fn resolve_property(
    // &mut self,
    contexts: ContextIterator<'static, User>,
    type_name: &str,
    property_name: &str,
) -> ContextOutcomeIterator<'static, User, FieldValue> {
    match (type_name, property_name) {
        ("User", "age") => resolve_property_with(contexts, accessor_property!(age(2024))),
        // ...
        _ => unreachable!()

The usage of conversion functions and possible extra processing with a code block is analogous to the ones used with field_property!.