Crate trust_dns [] [src]

Trust-DNS is intended to be a fully compliant domain name server and client library.

The Client library is responsible for the basic protocols responsible for communicating with DNS servers (authorities) and resolvers. It can be used for managing DNS records through the use of update operations. It is possible to send raw DNS Messages with the Client, but for ease of use the query and various other update operations are recommended for general use.

For a system like resolver built on top of the Client library, see trust-dns-resolver. This is mostlikely what you want if all you want to do is lookup IP addresses.

For serving DNS serving, see trust-dns-server.


  • Only safe Rust
  • All errors handled
  • Simple to manage servers
  • High level abstraction for clients
  • Secure dynamic update
  • New features for securing public information


This shows basic usage of the SyncClient. More examples will be associated directly with other types.


trust-dns = "^0.10"

By default DNSSec validation is built in with OpenSSL, this can be disabled with:

trust-dns = { version = "^0.10", default-features = false }

Extern the crate into your program or library:

extern crate trust_dns;


There are two variations of implementations of the Client. The SyncClient, a synchronous client, and the ClientFuture, a Tokio async client. SyncClient is an implementation of the Client trait, there is another implementation, SecureSyncClient, which validates DNSSec records. For these basic examples we'll only look at the SyncClient

First we must decide on the type of connection, there are three supported by TRust-DNS today, UDP, TCP and TLS. TLS requires OpenSSL by default, see also trust-dns-native-tls and trust-dns-rustls for other TLS options.

Setup a connection

use trust_dns::client::{Client, ClientConnection, ClientStreamHandle, SyncClient};
use trust_dns::udp::UdpClientConnection;
let address = "".parse().unwrap();
let conn = UdpClientConnection::new(address).unwrap();
// and then create the Client
let client = SyncClient::new(conn);

At this point the client is ready to be used. See also client::SecureSyncClient for DNSSec validation. The rest of these examples will assume that the above boilerplate has already been performed.


Using the Client to query for DNS records is easy enough, though it performs no resolution. The trust-dns-resolver has a simpler interface if that's what is desired. Over time that library will gain more features to generically query for differnet types.

use std::net::Ipv4Addr;
use std::str::FromStr;
use trust_dns::op::Message;
use trust_dns::rr::{DNSClass, Name, RData, Record, RecordType};
// Specify the name, note the final '.' which specifies it's an FQDN
let name = Name::from_str("").unwrap();

// NOTE: see 'Setup a connection' example above
// Send the query and get a message response, see RecordType for all supported options
let response: Message = client.query(&name, DNSClass::IN, RecordType::A).unwrap();

// Messages are the packets sent between client and server in DNS.
//  there are many fields to a Message. It's beyond the scope of these examples
//  to explain them. See trust_dns::op::message::Message for more details.
//  generally we will be insterested in the Message::answers
let answers: &[Record] = response.answers();

// Records are generic objects which can contain any data.
//  In order to access it we need to first check what type of record it is
//  In this case we are interested in A, IPv4 address
if let &RData::A(ref ip) = answers[0].rdata() {
    assert_eq!(*ip, Ipv4Addr::new(93, 184, 216, 34))
} else {
    assert!(false, "unexpected result")

In the above example we successfully queried for a A record. There are many other types, each can be independenly queried and the associated trust_dns::rr::record_data::RData has a variant with the deserialized data for the record stored.

Dynamic update

Currently trust-dns supports SIG(0) signed records for authentication and authorization of dynamic DNS updates. It's beyond the scope of these examples to show how to setup SIG(0) authorization on the server. trust-dns is known to work with BIND9 and trust-dns-server. Expect in the future for TLS to become a potentially better option for authorization with certificate chains. These examples show using SIG(0) for auth, requires OpenSSL. It's beyond the scope of these examples to describe the configuration for the server.

use std::fs::File;
use std::io::Read;
use std::net::Ipv4Addr;
use std::str::FromStr;

use chrono::Duration;
use openssl::rsa::Rsa;
use trust_dns::client::SyncClient;
use trust_dns::rr::{Name, RData, Record, RecordType};
use trust_dns::rr::dnssec::{Algorithm, Signer, KeyPair};
use trust_dns::op::ResponseCode;
use trust_dns::rr::rdata::key::KEY;

// The format of the key is dependent on the KeyPair type, in this example we're using RSA
//  if the key was generated with BIND, the binary in TRust-DNS client lib `dnskey-to-pem`
//  can be used to convert this to a pem file
let mut pem = File::open("my_private_key.pem").unwrap();
let mut pem_buf = Vec::<u8>::new();
pem.read_to_end(&mut pem_buf).unwrap();

// Create the RSA key
let rsa = Rsa::private_key_from_pem(&pem_buf).unwrap();
let key = KeyPair::from_rsa(rsa).unwrap();

// Create the RData KEY associated with the key. This example uses defaults for all the
//  KeyTrust, KeyUsage, UpdateScope, Protocol. Many of these have been deprecated in current
//  DNS RFCs, but are still supported by many servers for auth. See auth docs of the remote
//  server for help in understanding it's requirements and support of these options.
let sig0key = KEY::new(Default::default(),

// Create the TRust-DNS SIG(0) signing facility. Generally the signer_name is the label
//  associated with KEY record in the server.
let signer = Signer::sig0(sig0key,

// Create the DNS client, see above for creating a the connection
let client = SyncClient::with_signer(conn, signer);

// At this point we should have a client capable of sending signed SIG(0) records.
// Now we can send updates... let's create a new Record
let mut record = Record::with(Name::from_str("").unwrap(),
                              Duration::minutes(5).num_seconds() as u32);
record.set_rdata(RData::A(Ipv4Addr::new(100, 10, 100, 10)));
// the server must be authoritative for this zone
let origin = Name::from_str("").unwrap();

// Create the record.
let result = client.create(record, origin).unwrap();
assert_eq!(result.response_code(), ResponseCode::NoError);

Note: The dynamic DNS functions defined by TRust-DNS are expressed as atomic operations, but this depends on support of the remote server. For example, the create operation shown above, should only succeed if there is no RecordSet of the specified type at the specified label. The other update operations are append, compare_and_swap, delete_by_rdata, delete_rrset, and delete_all. See the documentation for each of these methods on the Client trait.



DNS Client associated classes for performing queries and other operations.


All defined errors for Trust-DNS


Logging configuration


Operations to send with a Client or server, e.g. Query, Message, or UpdateMessage can be used to gether to either query or update resource records sets.


Resource record related components, e.g. Name aka label, Record, RData, ...


Contains serialization libraries for binary and text, txt.


TCP protocol related components for DNS


TLS protocol related components for DNS over TLS


UDP protocol related components for DNS



A buffering stream bound to a SocketAddr



Returns a version as specified in Cargo.toml

Type Definitions


A stream of serialized DNS Messages


A sender to which serialized DNS Messages can be sent


A stream of messsages


A sender to which a Message can be sent