Crate trotter

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🎠 Trotter

Trotter is an experimental crate that aims to make interacting with gemini servers fun and easy.

This crate comes with the trot command-line program that exposes most of its functionality. Install it with the command cargo install --features cli trotter.

There’s also Fluffer, a crate for writing gemini server apps.

😊 Requests

Trotter seeks to be a feature-complete gemini client library, while also being easy to use.


If you’re only here to send a quick request, refer to the ergonomic trot and trot_in methods.

async fn main() {
    trotter::trot("") // gemini:// prefix and root slash can be elided

    trotter::trot_in("localhost/input", "notice me!")


For more-detailed requests, you can use an Actor.

You can use the builder pattern to easily attach a user agent and client certificate to the actor.

Once you’ve built an Actor, you can call Actor::get to send a request with it.

use trotter::{Actor, UserAgent};

async fn main() {
    let owo = Actor::default()

🤖 User-agents

Did you know there’s a version of the robots.txt standard for gemini? (robots.txt for Gemini)

Trotter has robots functionality built-in. Once you set your user-agent, you will receive a RobotDenied error if you try to access a page you are disallowed from.

I strongly suggest you do this if you’re using Trotter for a project that depends on other peoples’ content.

🎁 Responses

Once you receive a structured Response, you can either weed through it yourself, or rely on the helper functions it implements to preform common operations.

📖 Parsing

Trotter also provides tools for parsing gemtext.

use trotter::parse::Gemtext;

fn main() {
    let txt = "# 💎
# Is
## So
> effing
* dope
=> /path/to/somewhere i can take u there
``` alt text goes here
Here's a table
| The | Best |
| 😘  | 😪   |

    let gemtext = Gemtext::parse(txt);




If you have access to a posix shell with openssl installed, you can define the following functions to easily generate and inspect x509 certificates.

certgen() { [ -f "${1:?usage: certgen [domain]}.key" ] || [ -f "$1.crt" ] || ( openssl req -new -subj "/CN=$1" -x509 -newkey ec -pkeyopt ec_paramgen_curve:prime256v1 -days 3650 -nodes -out "$1.crt" -keyout "$1.key" && printf '📜 Cert generated\n' ) ;}
certinfo(){ openssl x509 -noout -text < "${1:?usage: certinfo [file]}" ;}


For now, I want this to be a helpful tool for automating gemini requests. But ultimately, I would like for it to be robust enough to write a complete client with.

  • Write response to file
  • Get response as gemtext
  • robots.txt support
  • Custom errors
  • Cli binary 👀
  • Server certificates
  • Tofu store directory
  • Byte read/write timeout




  • Enum for representing gemini status codes.
  • Enum representing user-agents defined by the gemini version of the robots.txt spec.
