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Transparent Log

This crate provides an implementation of a Merkle tree for log records, for sceptical clients.

See https://research.swtch.com/tlog


use transparentlog_core::{check_record,InMemoryLog,InMemoryLogClientBuilder,TransparentLog};
// Create a new log
let mut ml: InMemoryLog<String>=InMemoryLog::default();
// Create a new client
let mut client= InMemoryLogClientBuilder::new(&ml)?.build();
// Append a record to the log
let rec1 = ml.append(String::from("entry1"))?;
// Check the log contains the record
assert_eq!(true, check_record(&mut client,&ml,&rec1)?);
// Get back the data


pub use test_helpers::*;



A file based transparent log

An in-memory transparent log

In-memory client to a TransparentLog, keeping track of the latest log verified

Build an in-memory client, from the current state of the log or a saved state

Reference to a full log: its size and root hash

Position in the tree

Reference to a Record, with its ID and its hash


A simple log client, optionally keeping a cache of tree entries

Transparent log Trait


Check a given index + hash is contained in the given log, using the stored latest verification if possible or updating the cache if needed

Hash a given record via its Serialize instance

Calculate the proof positions needed to assert a tree of size1 is a prefix of a tree of size 2

Calculate the proof position needed to assert the record at the given index is present in a log of the given size

Return the level sizes for each level of the tree

Verify that a given record belongs to the given tree, using the proofs provided

Verify that the tree is correct with the proofs provided

Type Definitions

The height of the tree