[][src]Trait tract_core::ops::StatelessOp

pub trait StatelessOp: Op {
    fn eval(&self, inputs: TVec<Arc<Tensor>>) -> TractResult<TVec<Arc<Tensor>>>;

Required methods

fn eval(&self, inputs: TVec<Arc<Tensor>>) -> TractResult<TVec<Arc<Tensor>>>

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impl StatelessOp for AddDims[src]

impl StatelessOp for Concat[src]

fn eval(&self, inputs: TVec<Arc<Tensor>>) -> TractResult<TVec<Arc<Tensor>>>[src]

Evaluates the operation given the input tensors.

impl StatelessOp for ConstantLike[src]

fn eval(&self, inputs: TVec<Arc<Tensor>>) -> TractResult<TVec<Arc<Tensor>>>[src]

Evaluates the operation given the input tensors.

impl StatelessOp for ConstantOfShape[src]

fn eval(&self, inputs: TVec<Arc<Tensor>>) -> TractResult<TVec<Arc<Tensor>>>[src]

Evaluates the operation given the input tensors.

impl StatelessOp for EyeLike[src]

fn eval(&self, inputs: TVec<Arc<Tensor>>) -> TractResult<TVec<Arc<Tensor>>>[src]

Evaluates the operation given the input tensors.

impl StatelessOp for Flatten[src]

impl StatelessOp for Gather[src]

fn eval(&self, inputs: TVec<Arc<Tensor>>) -> TractResult<TVec<Arc<Tensor>>>[src]

Evaluates the operation given the input tensors.

impl StatelessOp for MultiBroadcastTo[src]

fn eval(&self, inputs: TVec<Arc<Tensor>>) -> TractResult<TVec<Arc<Tensor>>>[src]

Evaluates the operation given the input tensors.

impl StatelessOp for Pad[src]

fn eval(&self, inputs: TVec<Arc<Tensor>>) -> TractResult<TVec<Arc<Tensor>>>[src]

Evaluates the operation given the input tensors.

impl StatelessOp for PermuteAxes[src]

impl StatelessOp for Reshape[src]

impl StatelessOp for RmDims[src]

fn eval(&self, inputs: TVec<Arc<Tensor>>) -> TractResult<TVec<Arc<Tensor>>>[src]

Evaluates the operation given the input tensors.

impl StatelessOp for Shape[src]

fn eval(&self, inputs: TVec<Arc<Tensor>>) -> TractResult<TVec<Arc<Tensor>>>[src]

Evaluates the operation given the input tensors.

impl StatelessOp for Size[src]

fn eval(&self, inputs: TVec<Arc<Tensor>>) -> TractResult<TVec<Arc<Tensor>>>[src]

Evaluates the operation given the input tensors.

impl StatelessOp for Slice[src]

fn eval(&self, inputs: TVec<Arc<Tensor>>) -> TractResult<TVec<Arc<Tensor>>>[src]

Evaluates the operation given the input tensors.

impl StatelessOp for Split[src]

fn eval(&self, inputs: TVec<Arc<Tensor>>) -> TractResult<TVec<Arc<Tensor>>>[src]

Evaluates the operation given the input tensors.

impl StatelessOp for Squeeze[src]

fn eval(&self, inputs: TVec<Arc<Tensor>>) -> TractResult<TVec<Arc<Tensor>>>[src]

Evaluates the operation given the input tensors.

impl StatelessOp for Tile[src]

impl StatelessOp for Cast[src]

fn eval(&self, inputs: TVec<Arc<Tensor>>) -> TractResult<TVec<Arc<Tensor>>>[src]

Evaluates the operation given the input tensors.

impl StatelessOp for Direct[src]

impl StatelessOp for AvgPool[src]

impl StatelessOp for Conv[src]

impl StatelessOp for ConvUnary[src]

impl StatelessOp for MaxPool[src]

impl StatelessOp for Identity[src]

fn eval(&self, inputs: TVec<Arc<Tensor>>) -> TractResult<TVec<Arc<Tensor>>>[src]

Evaluates the operation given the input tensors.

impl StatelessOp for Const[src]

impl StatelessOp for tract_core::ops::logic::And::Bin[src]

impl StatelessOp for tract_core::ops::logic::And::UnaryA[src]

impl StatelessOp for tract_core::ops::logic::Equals::Bin[src]

impl StatelessOp for tract_core::ops::logic::Equals::UnaryA[src]

impl StatelessOp for tract_core::ops::logic::Greater::Bin[src]

impl StatelessOp for tract_core::ops::logic::Greater::UnaryA[src]

impl StatelessOp for tract_core::ops::logic::Lesser::Bin[src]

impl StatelessOp for tract_core::ops::logic::Lesser::UnaryA[src]

impl StatelessOp for tract_core::ops::logic::Or::Bin[src]

impl StatelessOp for tract_core::ops::logic::Or::UnaryA[src]

impl StatelessOp for tract_core::ops::logic::Xor::Bin[src]

impl StatelessOp for tract_core::ops::logic::Xor::UnaryA[src]

impl StatelessOp for Not[src]

impl StatelessOp for tract_core::ops::math::Add::Bin[src]

impl StatelessOp for tract_core::ops::math::Add::UnaryA[src]

impl StatelessOp for tract_core::ops::math::Div::Bin[src]

impl StatelessOp for tract_core::ops::math::Div::UnaryA[src]

impl StatelessOp for tract_core::ops::math::Max::Bin[src]

impl StatelessOp for tract_core::ops::math::Max::UnaryA[src]

impl StatelessOp for tract_core::ops::math::Min::Bin[src]

impl StatelessOp for tract_core::ops::math::Min::UnaryA[src]

impl StatelessOp for tract_core::ops::math::Mul::Bin[src]

impl StatelessOp for tract_core::ops::math::Mul::UnaryA[src]

impl StatelessOp for tract_core::ops::math::Pow::Bin[src]

impl StatelessOp for tract_core::ops::math::Pow::UnaryA[src]

impl StatelessOp for tract_core::ops::math::Rem::Bin[src]

impl StatelessOp for tract_core::ops::math::Rem::UnaryA[src]

impl StatelessOp for tract_core::ops::math::Sub::Bin[src]

impl StatelessOp for tract_core::ops::math::Sub::UnaryA[src]

impl StatelessOp for Gemm[src]

impl StatelessOp for GemmUnaryA[src]

impl StatelessOp for GemmUnaryB[src]

impl StatelessOp for MatMul[src]

impl StatelessOp for MatMulUnaryA[src]

impl StatelessOp for MatMulUnaryB[src]

impl StatelessOp for Abs[src]

impl StatelessOp for Acos[src]

impl StatelessOp for Acosh[src]

impl StatelessOp for AddN[src]

fn eval(&self, inputs: TVec<Arc<Tensor>>) -> TractResult<TVec<Arc<Tensor>>>[src]

Evaluates the operation given the input tensors.

impl StatelessOp for Asin[src]

impl StatelessOp for Asinh[src]

impl StatelessOp for Atan[src]

impl StatelessOp for Atanh[src]

impl StatelessOp for Ceil[src]

impl StatelessOp for Clip[src]

impl StatelessOp for Cos[src]

impl StatelessOp for Cosh[src]

impl StatelessOp for Exp[src]

impl StatelessOp for Floor[src]

impl StatelessOp for IsNan[src]

impl StatelessOp for Ln[src]

impl StatelessOp for MaxN[src]

fn eval(&self, inputs: TVec<Arc<Tensor>>) -> TractResult<TVec<Arc<Tensor>>>[src]

Evaluates the operation given the input tensors.

impl StatelessOp for MeanN[src]

fn eval(&self, inputs: TVec<Arc<Tensor>>) -> TractResult<TVec<Arc<Tensor>>>[src]

Evaluates the operation given the input tensors.

impl StatelessOp for MinN[src]

fn eval(&self, inputs: TVec<Arc<Tensor>>) -> TractResult<TVec<Arc<Tensor>>>[src]

Evaluates the operation given the input tensors.

impl StatelessOp for Neg[src]

impl StatelessOp for Recip[src]

impl StatelessOp for Rsqrt[src]

impl StatelessOp for Sign[src]

impl StatelessOp for Sin[src]

impl StatelessOp for Sinh[src]

impl StatelessOp for Sqrt[src]

impl StatelessOp for Tan[src]

impl StatelessOp for tract_core::ops::math::Tanh[src]

impl StatelessOp for Sigmoid[src]

impl StatelessOp for ArgMaxMin[src]

impl StatelessOp for BatchNorm[src]

impl StatelessOp for Elu[src]

impl StatelessOp for GlobalAvgPool[src]

impl StatelessOp for GlobalLpPool[src]

impl StatelessOp for GlobalMaxPool[src]

impl StatelessOp for Hardsigmoid[src]

impl StatelessOp for LayerHardmax[src]

impl StatelessOp for LayerLogSoftmax[src]

impl StatelessOp for LayerSoftmax[src]

impl StatelessOp for LeakyRelu[src]

impl StatelessOp for Lrn[src]

impl StatelessOp for ParametricSoftplus[src]

impl StatelessOp for Reduce[src]

impl StatelessOp for Relu[src]

impl StatelessOp for ScaledTanh[src]

impl StatelessOp for Selu[src]

impl StatelessOp for Softplus[src]

impl StatelessOp for Softsign[src]

impl StatelessOp for ThresholdedRelu[src]

impl StatelessOp for tract_core::ops::nn::tanh::Tanh[src]

impl StatelessOp for Source[src]

fn eval(&self, _inputs: TVec<Arc<Tensor>>) -> TractResult<TVec<Arc<Tensor>>>[src]

Evaluates the operation given the input tensors.

impl StatelessOp for UnimplementedOp[src]

impl<T: Copy + Datum + Add + Mul + Zero + FloatLike> StatelessOp for MatMulUnaryImplASimpleB<T>[src]

impl<T: Copy + Datum + Add + Mul + Zero + FloatLike> StatelessOp for MatMulUnaryImplA<T>[src]

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