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Preserve contextual coherence among trace data from concurrent tasks.


tracing is a framework for instrumenting programs to collect structured and async-aware diagnostics via the Subscriber trait. The tracing-subscriber crate provides tools for composing Subscribers from smaller units. This crate extends tracing-subscriber by providing TreeLayer, a Layer that preserves contextual coherence of trace data from concurrent tasks when logging.

This crate is intended for programs running many nontrivial and disjoint tasks concurrently, like server backends. Unlike other Subscribers which simply keep track of the context of an event, tracing-forest preserves the contextual coherence when writing logs, allowing readers to easily trace a sequence of events from the same task.

tracing-forest provides many tools for authoring applications, but can also be extended to author other libraries.

Getting started

The easiest way to get started is to enable all features. Do this by adding the following to your Cargo.toml file:

tracing-forest = { version = "1", features = ["full"] }

Then, add the #[tracing_forest::main] attribute to your main function:

fn main() {
    // do stuff here...
    tracing::trace!("Hello, world!");

For more configuration options, see the builder module documentation.

Contextual Coherence in action

This example contains two counters, one for evens and another for odds. Running it will emit trace data at the root level, implying that all the events are independent, meaning each trace will be processed and written as it’s collected. In this case, the logs will count up chronologically.

let evens = async {
    for i in 0..3 {
        tracing::info!("{}", i * 2);
        // pause for `odds`

let odds = async {
    // pause for `evens`
    for i in 0..3 {
        tracing::info!("{}", i * 2 + 1);
        // pause for `evens`

let _ = tokio::join!(evens, odds);
INFO     💬 [info]: 0
INFO     💬 [info]: 1
INFO     💬 [info]: 2
INFO     💬 [info]: 3
INFO     💬 [info]: 4
INFO     💬 [info]: 5

Instrumenting the counters tells the TreeLayer to preserve the contextual coherency of trace data from each task. Traces from the even counter will be grouped, and traces from the odd counter will be grouped.

let evens = async {
    // ...

let odds = async {
    // ...
let _ = tokio::join!(evens, odds);
TRACE    counting_evens [ 409µs | 100.000% ]
INFO     ┕━ 💬 [info]: 0
INFO     ┕━ 💬 [info]: 2
INFO     ┕━ 💬 [info]: 4
TRACE    counting_odds [ 320µs | 100.000% ]
INFO     ┕━ 💬 [info]: 1
INFO     ┕━ 💬 [info]: 3
INFO     ┕━ 💬 [info]: 5

Although the numbers were logged chronologically, they appear grouped in the spans they originated from.

Distinguishing event kinds with tags

Beyond log levels, this crate provides the Tag trait, which allows events to carry additional categorical data.

Untagged logs aren’t very informative at a glance.

INFO     💬 [info]: some info for the admin
ERROR    🚨 [error]: the request timed out
ERROR    🚨 [error]: the db has been breached

But with custom tags, they can be!

INFO     💬 [admin_info]: some info for the admin
ERROR    🚨 [request_error]: the request timed out
ERROR    🔐 [security_critical]: the db has been breached

See the tag module documentation for details.

Attaching Uuids to spans

By enabling the uuid feature flag, spans created in the context of a TreeLayer subscriber are assigned a Uuid. At the root level, the uuid is randomly generated, whereas child spans adopt the uuid of their parent.

Retreiving the current Uuid

To retreive the uuid of the current span, use the id function.

Initializing a span with a specific Uuid

To set the Uuid of a new span, use uuid_span!, or the shorthand versions, uuid_trace_span!, uuid_debug_span!, uuid_info_span!, uuid_warn_span!, or uuid_error_span!.


Passing in custom Uuids to nested spans:

let first_id = Uuid::new_v4();
let second_id = Uuid::new_v4();

tracing::info!("first_id: {}", first_id);
tracing::info!("second_id: {}", second_id);

// Explicitly pass `first_id` into a new span
uuid_trace_span!(first_id, "first").in_scope(|| {

    // Check that the ID we passed in is the current ID
    assert_eq!(first_id, tracing_forest::id());

    // Open another span, explicitly passing in a new ID
    uuid_trace_span!(second_id, "second").in_scope(|| {

        // Check that the second ID was set
        assert_eq!(second_id, tracing_forest::id());

    // `first_id` should still be the current ID
    assert_eq!(first_id, tracing_forest::id());
00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 INFO     💬 [info]: first_id: 9f197cc3-b340-4df6-be53-4ab742a3c586
00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 INFO     💬 [info]: second_id: d552ecfa-a568-4b68-9e68-a4f1f7918579
9f197cc3-b340-4df6-be53-4ab742a3c586 TRACE    first [ 76.6µs | 80.206% / 100.000% ]
d552ecfa-a568-4b68-9e68-a4f1f7918579 TRACE    ┕━ second [ 15.2µs | 19.794% ]

Instrumenting a future with a span using a custom Uuid:

let id = Uuid::new_v4();
info!("id: {}", id);

async {
    assert_eq!(id, tracing_forest::id());
}.instrument(uuid_trace_span!(id, "in_async")).await;
00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 INFO     💬 [info]: id: 5aacc2d4-f625-401b-9bb8-dc5c355fd31b
5aacc2d4-f625-401b-9bb8-dc5c355fd31b TRACE    in_async [ 18.6µs | 100.000% ]

Immediate logs

This crate also provides functionality to immediately format and print logs to stderr in the case of logs with high urgency. This can be done by setting the immediate field to true in the trace data.


trace_span!("my_span").in_scope(|| {
    info!(immediate = true, "third, but immediately");
💬 IMMEDIATE 💬 INFO     my_span > third, but immediately
TRACE    my_span [ 163µs | 100.000% ]
INFO     ┕━ 💬 [info]: first
INFO     ┕━ 💬 [info]: second
INFO     ┕━ 💬 [info]: third, but immediately

Feature flags

tracing-forest uses feature flags to reduce dependencies in your code.

  • full: Enables all features listed below.
  • uuid: Enables spans to carry operation IDs.
  • chrono: Enables timestamps on trace data.
  • smallvec: Enables some performance optimizations.
  • sync: Enables the AsyncProcessor type.
  • json: Enables JSON formatting for logs.
  • derive: Enables #[derive(Tag)] for making custom tag types.
  • attributes: Enables the #[tracing_forest::test] and #[tracing_forest::main] attributes.


pub use crate::builder::builder;
pub use crate::layer::TreeLayer;
pub use crate::tag::Tag;


Build the TreeLayer and Subscriber with custom configuration values.

Trait for formatting logs.

Internal details for the TreeLayer type.

Trait for processing logs of a span after it is closed.

Trait for tagging events with custom messages and levels.


A macro for helping define Tags.

Creates a new Span at the debug level with a specified Uuid.

Creates a new Span at the error level with a specified Uuid.

Creates a new Span at the info level with a specified Uuid.

Creates a new Span with a specified Uuid.

Creates a new Span at the trace level with a specified Uuid.

Creates a new Span at the warn level with a specified Uuid.


Gets the current Uuid of an entered span within a TreeLayer subscriber.

Attribute Macros

Marks function to run in the context of a TreeLayer subscriber.

Marks test to run in the context of a TreeLayer subscriber, suitable to test environment.

Derive Macros

Derive macro generating an implementation of the Tag trait.