Expand description

A simple crate for passing spans generated by the tracing ecosystem to a C or C++ profiling system when Rust is integrated into an existing framework. To help with integration into other tools you can use the environment variable TRACING_FFI_RELATIVE_OUT_DIR to configure where the include file ends relative to the build output (OUT_DIR). For example, TRACING_FFI_RELATIVE_OUT_DIR = "../../../../../include" will normally lead to the files being generated in an include dir next to your Cargo.toml.

Example usage

#include <Profiling.h>
#include <tracing_ffi.h>
#include <myrustlib.h>

int main(int argc, const char* argv[]) {
    tracing_ffi_ReturnCode result = tracing_ffi_install_global_with_enable(

    if (result != tracing_ffi_ReturnCode_Success) {
        return (int)result;

    myrustlib_execute(10, 20);


You can of course also configure this from Rust code; and bypass the C-api. In that case, use subscriber::ExternFFISpanSubscriber directly, and install with your preferred tracing method.


The subscriber implementation provided by tracing-ext-ffi-subscriber.


Simple error codes used for FFI calls.


Install the tracing hook globally with the provided enter and exit functions.

Install the tracing hook globally with the provided enter, exit, and enabled functions.

Type Definitions

Function to be called when exiting a tracing scope.

Function to call to check whether tracing is enabled.

Function to be called when entering a tracing scope.