Module tower_http::set_header::request[][src]

This is supported on crate feature set-header only.
Expand description

Set a header on the request.

The header value to be set may be provided as a fixed value when the middleware is constructed, or determined dynamically based on the request by a closure. See the MakeHeaderValue trait for details.


Setting a header from a fixed value provided when the middleware is constructed:

use http::{Request, Response, header::{self, HeaderValue}};
use tower::{Service, ServiceExt, ServiceBuilder};
use tower_http::set_header::SetRequestHeaderLayer;
use hyper::Body;

let mut svc = ServiceBuilder::new()
        // Layer that sets `User-Agent: my very cool app` on requests.
        // We have to add `::<_, Body>` since Rust cannot infer the body type when
        // we don't use a closure to produce the header value.
        // `if_not_present` will only insert the header if it does not already
        // have a value.
        SetRequestHeaderLayer::<_, Body>::if_not_present(
            HeaderValue::from_static("my very cool app"),

let request = Request::new(Body::empty());

let response = svc.ready().await?.call(request).await?;

Setting a header based on a value determined dynamically from the request:

use http::{Request, Response, header::{self, HeaderValue}};
use tower::{Service, ServiceExt, ServiceBuilder};
use tower_http::set_header::SetRequestHeaderLayer;
use hyper::Body;

fn date_header_value() -> HeaderValue {
    // ...

let mut svc = ServiceBuilder::new()
        // Layer that sets `Date` to the current date and time.
        // `overriding` will insert the header and override any previous values it
        // may have.
            |request: &Request<Body>| {

let request = Request::new(Body::empty());

let response = svc.ready().await?.call(request).await?;


Middleware that sets a header on the request.

Layer that applies SetRequestHeader which adds a request header.