Crate tor_persist

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Persistent data storage for use with Tor.

This crate is part of Arti, a project to implement Tor in Rust.

For now, users should construct storage objects directly with (for example) FsStateMgr::from_path_and_mistrust(), but use them primarily via the interfaces of the StateMgr trait.

License: MIT OR Apache-2.0


  • “Slugs” used as part of on-disk filenames and other similar purposes
  • state_dirstate-dir
    State helper utility


  • An error that occurred while manipulating persistent state.
  • FsStateMgrNon-WebAssembly
    Implementation of StateMgr that stores state as JSON files on disk.
  • A state manager for testing support, that allows simulating persistence without having to store anything to disk.



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