Expand description

Processing a config::Config into a validated configuration

This module, and particularly resolve, takes care of:

  • Deserializing a config::Config into various FooConfigBuilder
  • Calling the build() methods to get various FooConfig.
  • Reporting unrecognised configuration keys (eg to help the user detect misspellings).

This is step 3 of the overall config processing, as described in the crate-level documentation.

Starting points

To use this, you will need to:

  • #[derive(Builder)] and use impl_standard_builder! for all of your configuration structures, using #[sub_builder] etc. sa appropriate, and making your builders Deserialize.

  • impl TopLevel for your top level structures (only).

  • Call resolve (or one of its variants) with a config::Config, to obtain your top-level configuration(s).


In this example the developers are embedding arti, arti_client, etc., into a program of their own. The example code shown:

  • Defines a configuration structure EmbedderConfig, for additional configuration settings for the added features.
  • Establishes some configuration sources (the trivial empty ConfigSources, to avoid clutter in the example)
  • Reads those sources into a single configuration taxonomy config::Config.
  • Processes that configuration into a 3-tuple of configuration structs for the three components, namely:
    • TorClientConfig, the configuration for the arti_client crate’s TorClient
    • ArtiConfig, for behaviours in the arti command line utility
    • EmbedderConfig.
  • Will report a warning to the user about config settings found in the config files, but not recognized by any of the three config consumers,
use derive_builder::Builder;
use tor_config::{impl_standard_builder, resolve, ConfigBuildError, ConfigurationSources};
use tor_config::load::TopLevel;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};

#[derive(Debug, Clone, Builder, Eq, PartialEq)]
#[builder(build_fn(error = "ConfigBuildError"))]
#[builder(derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize))]
struct EmbedderConfig {
    // ....
impl_standard_builder! { EmbedderConfig }
impl TopLevel for EmbedderConfig {
    type Builder = EmbedderConfigBuilder;

let cfg_sources = ConfigurationSources::new_empty(); // In real program, use from_cmdline
let cfg = cfg_sources.load()?;

let (tcc, arti_config, embedder_config) =
     tor_config::resolve::<(TorClientConfig, ArtiConfig, EmbedderConfig)>(cfg)?;

let _: EmbedderConfig = embedder_config; // etc.


Config resolution context, not used outside tor_config::load

Key in config file(s) unrecognized by all Resolvables we obtained


Error resolving a configuration (during deserialize, or build)


A type that can be built from a builder via a build method

Collection of configuration settings that can be deserialized and then built

Top-level configuration struct, made from a deserializable builder


Deserialize and build overall configuration from config sources

Deserialize and build overall configuration, silently ignoring unrecognized config keys

Deserialize and build overall configuration, reporting unrecognized keys in the return value