initSidebarItems({"enum":[["DecodeErrorKind","Enumeration of possible errors which can occur while decoding a structure."],["Error","Enumeration of errors which can occur while encoding a rust value into a TOML value."],["Value","Representation of a TOML value."]],"fn":[["decode","Decodes a TOML value into a decodable type."],["decode_str","Decodes a string into a toml-encoded value."],["encode","Encodes an encodable value into a TOML value."],["encode_str","Encodes an encodable value into a TOML string."]],"struct":[["DecodeError","Description for errors which can occur while decoding a type."],["Decoder","A structure to transform TOML values into Rust values."],["Encoder","A structure to transform Rust values into TOML values."],["EncoderState","Internal state of the encoder when encoding transitions"],["Parser","Parser for converting a string to a TOML `Value` instance."],["ParserError","A structure representing a parse error."]],"type":[["Array","Type representing a TOML array, payload of the `Value::Array` variant"],["Table","Type representing a TOML table, payload of the `Value::Table` variant"]]});