Module tokio::executor::thread_pool[][src]

Maintains a pool of threads across which the set of spawned tasks are executed.

ThreadPool is an executor that uses a thread pool for executing tasks concurrently across multiple cores. It uses a thread pool that is optimized for use cases that involve multiplexing large number of independent tasks that perform short(ish) amounts of computation and are mainly waiting on I/O, i.e. the Tokio use case.

Usually, users of ThreadPool will not create pool instances. Instead, they will create a Runtime instance, which comes with a pre-configured thread pool.

At the core, ThreadPool uses a work-stealing based scheduling strategy. When spawning a task while external to the thread pool (i.e., from a thread that is not part of the thread pool), the task is randomly assigned to a worker thread. When spawning a task while internal to the thread pool, the task is assigned to the current worker.

Each worker maintains its own queue and first focuses on processing all tasks in its queue. When the worker's queue is empty, the worker will attempt to steal tasks from other worker queues. This strategy helps ensure that work is evenly distributed across threads while minimizing synchronization between worker threads.


Thread pool instances are created using ThreadPool::new or Builder::new. The first option returns a thread pool with default configuration values. The second option allows configuring the thread pool before instantiating it.

Once an instance is obtained, futures may be spawned onto it using the spawn function.

A handle to the thread pool is obtained using ThreadPool::sender. This handle is only able to spawn futures onto the thread pool. It is unable to affect the lifecycle of the thread pool in any way. This handle can be passed into functions or stored in structs as a way to grant the capability of spawning futures.


use futures::future::{Future, lazy};

// Create a thread pool with default configuration values
let thread_pool = ThreadPool::new();

thread_pool.spawn(lazy(|| {
    println!("called from a worker thread");

// Gracefully shutdown the threadpool



Builds a thread pool with custom configuration values.


Submit futures to the associated thread pool for execution.


Future that resolves when the thread pool is shutdown.


Work-stealing based thread pool for executing futures.