Crate tokio_quicker

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Async QUIC Listener/Socket for tokio using quiche.



First create a QuicSocket.

let mut connection = QuicSocket::bind("")
        .connect(Some("localhost"), "")

Then you can start opening new QuicStreams or receive incoming ones from the server.

let mut stream = connection.bidi(1).await?;
let mut stream = connection.incoming().await?;

These implement the tokio AsyncRead and AsyncWrite traits.


Again create a QuicListener.

let mut listener = QuicListener::bind("").await?;

Then you can use a while loop to accept incoming connection and either handle them directly on the thread or move them to a new one.

while let Ok(mut connection) = listener.accept().await {
    tokio::spawn(async move {
        let mut stream = connection.incoming().await?;



  • QuicListener is used to bind to a specified address/port.
  • QuicSocket opens a connection from a specified address/port to a server.