Crate tokio_jsonrpc [] [src]

A JSON RPC protocol for the tokio framework.

This implements the handling of the JSON RPC 2.0 specification. The low-level parts are in the message and the codec modules. The first draft of the higher-lever API is in the endpoint module.


A skeleton of reading messages from the other side, mapping them to answers and sending them back.

let mut core = Core::new().unwrap();
let handle = core.handle();

let listener = TcpListener::bind(&"".parse().unwrap(), &handle).unwrap();
let connections = listener.incoming();
let service = connections.for_each(|(stream, _)| {
    let messages = stream.framed(LineCodec::new());
    let (write, read) = messages.split();
    let answers = read.filter_map(|message| {
        match message {
            _ => unimplemented!(),
    handle.spawn(write.send_all(answers).map(|_| ()).map_err(|_| ()));

Provide a server that greets through an RPC.

let mut core = Core::new().unwrap();
let handle = core.handle();

let listener = TcpListener::bind(&"".parse().unwrap(), &handle).unwrap();

struct UselessServer;

impl Server for UselessServer {
    type Success = String;
    type RPCCallResult = Result<String, RPCError>;
    type NotificationResult = Result<(), ()>;
    fn rpc(&self,
           ctl: &ServerCtl,
           method: &str,
           _params: &Option<Value>)
        -> Option<Self::RPCCallResult> {
        match method {
            // Accept a hello message and finish the greeting
            "hello" => Some(Ok("world".to_owned())),
            // When the other side says bye, terminate the connection
            "bye" => {
            _ => None

let connections = listener.incoming().for_each(|(stream, _)| {
    // Greet every new connection
    Endpoint::new(stream.framed(LineCodec::new()), UselessServer).start(&handle)
        .notify("hello".to_owned(), None);


pub use message::Message;
pub use message::Parsed;
pub use message::RPCError;
pub use codec::Boundary as BoundaryCodec;
pub use codec::Line as LineCodec;
pub use endpoint::Endpoint;
pub use endpoint::Client;
pub use endpoint::Server;
pub use endpoint::ServerCtl;



The codecs to encode and decode messages from a stream of bytes.


The endpoint of the JSON RPC connection.


JSON-RPC 2.0 messages.