Module tokio_i2c::prelude

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pub use super::Master;
pub use super::Functionality;
pub use super::Message;
pub use super::MessageFlags;
pub use super::TEN_BIT;


Asynchronous streams
Tasks used to drive a future computation


A Duration type to represent a span of time, typically used for system timeouts.
A Vec-like container that can store a small number of elements inline.


Return type of future, indicating whether a value is ready or not.
The result of an asynchronous attempt to send a value to a sink.


Read bytes asynchronously.
Writes bytes asynchronously.
Trait for types which are a placeholder of a value that may become available at some later point in time.
An extension trait for Future that provides a variety of convenient combinator functions.
Class of types which can be converted into a future.
The Read trait allows for reading bytes from a source.
A Sink is a value into which other values can be sent, asynchronously.
A stream of values, not all of which may have been produced yet.
An extension trait for Stream that provides a variety of convenient combinator functions.
A trait for objects which are byte-oriented sinks.

Type Definitions

Return type of the Future::poll method, indicates whether a future’s value is ready or not.