Crate tokio_cqrs_es2_store[][src]

Expand description

Async implementation of the cqrs-es2 store.

Provides async interfaces to different database implementations for the CQRS system store.


The main components of this library are:

  • IEventDispatcher - an interface for async events listeners
  • IEventStore - an interface for async event stores
  • IQueryStore - an interface for async query stores


  • with-postgres - async Postgres store
  • with-mysql - async MySQL store
  • with-sqlite - async SQLite store
  • with-all-sql - all SQL drivers
  • with-mongodb - async MongoDB store
  • with-all-doc-db - all doc DBs drivers
  • with-redis - async Redis store
  • with-all-kv-db - all key-value DBs drivers
  • with-all-async - all async drivers (default)


To use this library in an async application, add the following to your dependency section in the project’s Cargo.toml:

log = { version = "^0.4", features = [
] }
fern = "^0.5"

serde = { version = "^1.0.127", features = ["derive"] }
serde_json = "^1.0.66"

async-trait = "^0.1"

cqrs-es2 = { version = "*"}

tokio-cqrs-es2-store = { version = "*", default-features = false, features = [
] }

sqlx = { version = "0.5.6", features = [
] }

tokio = { version = "1", features = [
] }


A full async store example application is available here.


A simple memory store for testing purposes only

MongoDB store

MySql/MariaDB store

Postgres store

Redis store

SQLite store


Async cached event store

Async cached query store

This is the base framework for applying commands to produce events.


Event dispatcher are usually the query stores. It updates its query with the emitted events.

The abstract central source for loading past events and committing new events.

The abstract central source for loading and committing queries.