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Configuration Reference

tokio-console’s behavior can be configured in two ways: via command-line arguments, or using a TOML config file.

Command-Line Arguments

The following is the complete list of command-line arguments accepted by tokio-console:

    tokio-console [OPTIONS] [TARGET_ADDR] [SUBCOMMAND]

            The address of a console-enabled process to connect to.
            This may be an IP address and port, or a DNS name.

        --ascii-only <ASCII_ONLY>
            Explicitly use only ASCII characters

        --colorterm <truecolor>
            Overrides the value of the `COLORTERM` environment variable.
            If this is set to `24bit` or `truecolor`, 24-bit RGB color support will be enabled.
            [env: COLORTERM=truecolor]
            [possible values: 24bit, truecolor]

    -h, --help
            Print help information

        --lang <LANG>
            Overrides the terminal's default language
            [env: LANG=en_US.UTF-8]

        --log <ENV_FILTER>
            Log level filter for the console's internal diagnostics.
            The console will log to stderr if a log level filter is provided. Since the console
            application runs interactively, stderr should generally be redirected to a file to avoid
            interfering with the console's text output.
            [env: RUST_LOG=]
            [default: off]

        --no-colors <no-colors>
            Disable ANSI colors entirely

        --no-duration-colors <COLOR_DURATIONS>
            Disable color-coding for duration units

        --no-terminated-colors <COLOR_TERMINATED>
            Disable color-coding for terminated tasks

        --palette <PALETTE>
            Explicitly set which color palette to use
            [possible values: 8, 16, 256, all, off]

        --retain-for <RETAIN_FOR>
            How long to continue displaying completed tasks and dropped resources after they have
            been closed.
            This accepts either a duration, parsed as a combination of time spans (such as `5days
            2min 2s`), or `none` to disable removing completed tasks and dropped resources.
            Each time span is an integer number followed by a suffix. Supported suffixes are:
            * `nsec`, `ns` -- nanoseconds
            * `usec`, `us` -- microseconds
            * `msec`, `ms` -- milliseconds
            * `seconds`, `second`, `sec`, `s`
            * `minutes`, `minute`, `min`, `m`
            * `hours`, `hour`, `hr`, `h`
            * `days`, `day`, `d`
            * `weeks`, `week`, `w`
            * `months`, `month`, `M` -- defined as 30.44 days
            * `years`, `year`, `y` -- defined as 365.25 days
            [default: 6s]

    -V, --version
            Print version information

            Generate a `console.toml` config file with the default configuration values, overridden
            by any provided command-line arguments
            Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

This text can also be displayed by running tokio-console help.

Configuration File

In addition to command-line arguments, the console can also be configured by a TOML configuration file. All settings that can be configured by the command line (with the exception of the target address to connect to) can also be set by the config file.

The tokio-console gen-config subcommand generates a config file based on the default configuration, overridden by any command-line arguments passed by the user.


The default configuration:

lang = 'en_US.UTF-8'
ascii_only = false

enabled = true
truecolor = true
palette = 'all'

durations = true
terminated = true

Config File Locations

Configuration files are read from two locations:

  1. A tokio-console directory in the system default configuration directory (as determined by the dirs crate). This directory depends on the operating system:

    Linux$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/tokio-console or $HOME/.config/tokio-console
    macOS$HOME/Library/Application Support/tokio-console
  2. The current working directory.

    If both the current working directory and the system default config directory contain a console.toml file, any values set in the current working directory will override those set in the system config directory. This allows overriding the user-level default configuration with project specific configurations. Some projects may wish to check project-specific configurations into source control so that they may be shared by multiple developers.

Any command-line arguments will override the configuration set in both config files.