Module todo_lib::todotxt[][src]




Empty priority - means a todo do not have any priority set


Input string must a date in format “Year-Month-Day”. If a date is incorrect one (e.g., month is greater than 12), an error is returned. Special case: if “Day” is greater than the number of days in a month, but it is between 1 and 31, the day is set to the last day of the month. Example, “2019-02-30” becomes “2019-02-28”.

Parse a string as a priority, returns an error if the string is not a valid priority. A string must be a capital Latin letter enclosed in parentheses.

Replaces a word with another one. If new is empty, it removed the old value. A word is a group of characters between spaces(start and end of the string are virtual spaces).

Split tag into its name and value if possible. Input string must be a correct tag: “name:value”, where name contains only alpha-numeric characters(Unicode letters are supported), and value is a non-empty string. If a string is incorrect tag, the function returns None.