Module todo_lib::todo

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The list of changes to apply to all records in a list. All operations with text are case insensitive, so if you, e.g., try to replace a project projectone to ProjectOne no todo is updated


Type of operation applied to todo properties. Every field supports its own set of operations (except None that can be used for all of them):


The ID value returned instead of new todo ID if adding a new todo fails
Empty priority - means a todo do not have any priority set


Appends a new todo to todo list
Appends todos to a file. If file does not exist it is created.
Makes a clones of selected todos
Marks todos completed.
Modifies existing todos.
Load a list of todo from a file in todo.txt format. If the file does not exist or cannot be opened the function returns empty list
Removes todos from the list
Saves the list of todos into a local file. Returns an error if saving fails.
Removes flag done from todos.

Type Definitions