Crate toad_jni

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High-level wrapper of jni, making Java & Rust FFI easy & fun


toad_jni::global offers the option to use a global JVM handle .

toad_jni::global::jvm() must be initialized with toad_jni::global::init() in order to use Rust trait impls on java types. Some examples include:


All java type signatures can be represented by rust types that implement the toad_jni::java::Type trait, which is automatically implemented for all toad_jni::java::Classes.


Classes are represented in toad_jni by implementing 2 traits:

Fields and Methods

There are several high-level lens-style structs for interacting with fields, methods and constructors:

All of these types use toad_jni::java::Type to transform nice Rust types into the corresponding JVM type signatures.

For example, the StaticMethod representation of java.lang.String.format(String, ..Object) would be:

use toad_jni::java::lang::Object;
use toad_jni::java::StaticMethod;

static STRING_FORMAT: StaticMethod<String, fn(String, Vec<Object>) -> String> =

It is recommended that these structs are stored in local static variables so that they can cache the internal JNI IDs of the class and methods, but this is not required.


Consider the following java class:


public class Foo {
  public final static long NUMBER = 123;
  public String bingus = "bingus";

  public Foo() { }

  public static String bar() {
    return "bar";

  public void setBingus(String newBingus) {
    this.bingus = newBingus;

A Rust API to this class would look like:

use toad_jni::java;

pub struct Foo(java::lang::Object);


impl java::Class for Foo {
  const PATH: &'static str = "com/foo/bar/Foo";

impl Foo {
  pub fn new(e: &mut java::Env) -> Self {
    static CTOR: java::Constructor<Foo, fn()> = java::Constructor::new();

  pub fn number(e: &mut java::Env) -> i64 {
    static NUMBER: java::StaticField<Foo, i64> = java::StaticField::new("NUMBER");

  pub fn bar(e: &mut java::Env) -> String {
    static BAR: java::StaticMethod<Foo, fn() -> String> = java::StaticMethod::new("bar");

  pub fn bingus(&self, e: &mut java::Env) -> String {
    static BINGUS: java::Field<Foo, String> = java::Field::new("bingus");
    BINGUS.get(e, self)

  pub fn set_bingus(&self, e: &mut java::Env, s: String) {
    static SET_BINGUS: java::Method<Foo, fn(String)> = java::Method::new("setBingus");
    SET_BINGUS.invoke(e, self, s)


  • Global JVM handles
  • java language features and class shims
