Module tmi::client

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§Twitch IRC Client

This is the main interface for interacting with Twitch IRC. The entrypoint to this module is the Client.

The simplest way to get started is using Client::anonymous, which will connect to Twitch IRC anonymously.

let client = tmi::Client::anonymous().await?;

If you wish to be able to send messages, you have to generate an oauth2 token, and provide it to the client:

let credentials = tmi::Credentials::new("your_username", "oauth:your_token");
let client = tmi::Client::builder().credentials(credentials).connect().await?;

and then use Client::builder followed by ClientBuilder::credentials.

Generating an oauth2 token is out of scope for this library. Head over to the official documentation to see how you can generate one. twitch_oauth2 may be used to automate most of it.

⚠ Note: Client is a fairly low-level interface! It does not automatically handle:

  • Rate limiting (both for JOINs and PRIVMSGs)
  • Same message bypass
  • RECONNECT commands
  • Rejoining channels
  • Latency measurement

What it does provide is:

  • Opening a TCP connection (with TLS) to Twitch.
  • Performing the handshake (authentication, capability negotiation)
  • Reconnect with backoff
  • A polling interface for receiving messages
  • Sending commands (PRIVMSG, JOIN, PONG, etc.)




  • An error which occurred while attempting to connect to Twitch IRC.
