Crate tlhelp32

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An abstraction over the windows tlhelp32 api. It offers a generic Snapshot struct which acts as an iterator to easily iterate over the returned entries.


A heap entry taken from a HeapList. For more information on the fields meanings visit the microsoft docs
A heap list taken from a Snapshot. This struct is an iterator over the heap entries of its heap. For more information on the fields meanings visit the microsoft docs
A module entry taken from a Snapshot. For more information on the fields meanings visit the microsoft docs
A process entry taken from a Snapshot. For more information on the fields meanings visit the microsoft docs
An iterator for the Toolhelp32Snapshot Windows API. You create them by calling the appropriate new_* methods.
A thread entry taken from a Snapshot. For more information on the fields meanings visit the microsoft docs


A trait for the different Snapshot types. You shouldn’t need to work with this directly.


Copies memory allocated to another process at the specified address into a supplied slice. The number of bytes to copy is the length of the supplied slice.