Crate tiny_tokio_actor[][src]

A Simple Tiny Tokio Actor Crate

This crate provides a minimally functioning actor system with a common event bus. Tokio unbounded channels are used for the mailbox of the actors, and actor behaviour (defined through the Handler trait) can use the request+response pattern (using tokio oneshot channel for responses). You an send messages to actors either through a tell where the method does not provide a response, or an ask. The ask method does provide a response


use tiny_tokio_actor::*;

// The event message you may want to publish to the system event bus.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
struct TestEvent(String);

// Mark the struct as a system event message.
impl SystemEvent for TestEvent {}

// The actor struct must derive Clone.
struct TestActor {
    counter: usize

// Mark the struct as an actor.
impl Actor<TestEvent> for TestActor {}

// The message the actor will expect. It must derive Clone.
// Debug is not required.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
struct TestMessage(String);

// Mark the message struct as an actor message. Note that we
// also define the response we expect back from this message.
// If no response is desired, just use `()`.
impl Message for TestMessage {
    type Response = String;

// Define the behaviour of the actor. Note that the `handle` method
// has a `String` return type because that is what we defined the
// Response to be of `TestMessage`. As the method is async, we have
// to annotate the implementation with the `async_trait` macro (a
// re-export of the async-trait crate).
impl Handler<TestMessage, TestEvent> for TestActor {
    async fn handle(&mut self, msg: TestMessage, ctx: &mut ActorContext<TestEvent>) -> String {
        self.counter += 1;
        ctx.system.publish(TestEvent(format!("message received by '{}'", ctx.path)));

pub async fn main() -> Result<(), ActorError> {

    // Create the actor
    let actor = TestActor { counter: 0 };
    // Create the message we will send
    let msg = TestMessage("hello world!".to_string());

    // Create the system event bus
    let bus = EventBus::<TestEvent>::new(1000);
    // Create the actor system with the event bus
    let system = ActorSystem::new("test", bus);
    // Launch the actor on the actor system
    let mut actor_ref = system.create_actor("test-actor", actor).await?;

    // Listen for events on the system event bus
    let mut events =;
    tokio::spawn(async move {
        loop {
            match events.recv().await {
                Ok(event) => println!("Received event! {:?}", event),
                Err(err) => println!("Error receivng event!!! {:?}", err)

    // Wait a little for the actor to start up

    // Send the actor the message through an `ask` from which we will
    // get a response
    let response = actor_ref.ask(msg).await?;
    println!("Response: {}", response);



The actor context gives a running actor access to its path, as well as the system that is running it.


Unique identifier for running actors.


A clonable actor reference. It basically holds a Sender that can send messages to the mailbox (receiver) of the actor.






Basic trait for actors. Allows you to define tasks that should be run before actor startup, and tasks that should be run after the actor is stopped.


Defines what the actor does with a message.


Defines what an actor will receive as its message, and with what it should respond.


Events that this actor system will send

Attribute Macros
