Module tikv_client_proto::errorpb[][src]



EpochNotMatch is the error variant that tells a region has been updated. (e.g. by splitting / merging, or raft Confchange.) Hence, a command is based on a stale version of a region.


Error wraps all region errors, indicates an error encountered by a request.


KeyNotInRegion is the error variant that tells the key the request requires isn’t present in this region.


MaxTimestampNotSynced is the error variant that tells the peer has just become a leader and updating the max timestamp in the concurrency manager from PD TSO is ongoing. In this case, the prewrite of an async commit transaction cannot succeed. The client can backoff and resend the request.


NotLeader is the error variant that tells a request be handle by raft leader is sent to raft follower or learner.


ProposalInMergingMode is the error variant that tells the proposal is rejected because raft is in the merging mode. This may happen when BR/Lightning try to ingest SST. This can be retried at most time.


RaftEntryTooLarge is the error variant that tells the request is too large to be serialized to a reasonable small raft entry. (i.e. greater than the configured value raft_entry_max_size in raftstore)


ReadIndexNotReady is the error variant that tells the read index request is not ready, that is, the current region is in a status that not ready to serve the read index request. For example, region is in splitting or merging status. This can be retried at most time.


RegionNotFound is the error variant that tells there isn’t any region in this TiKV matches the requested region ID.


ServerIsBusy is the error variant that tells the server is too busy to response.


StaleCommand is the error variant that tells the command is stale, that is, the current request term is lower than current raft term. This can be retried at most time.


StoreNotMatch is the error variant that tells the request is sent to wrong store. (i.e. inconsistency of the store ID that request shows and the real store ID of this server.)