[−][src]Crate tide
Serve the web
Tide is a friendly HTTP server built for casual Rustaceans and veterans alike. It's completely
modular, and built directly for async/await
. Whether it's a quick webhook, or an L7 load
balancer, Tide will make it work.
- Fast: Written in Rust, and built on Futures, Tide is incredibly efficient.
- Friendly: With thorough documentation, and a complete API, Tide helps cover your every need.
- Minimal: With only a few concepts to learn, Tide is easy to pick up and become productive with.
hello world
let mut app = tide::new(); app.at("/").get(|_| async move { "Hello, world!" }); app.listen("").await?;
echo server
let mut app = tide::new(); app.at("/").get(|req| async move { req }); app.listen("").await?;
send and receive json
#[derive(Debug, serde::Deserialize, serde::Serialize)] struct Counter { count: usize } let mut app = tide::new(); app.at("/").get(|mut req: tide::Request<()>| async move { let mut counter: Counter = req.body_json().await.unwrap(); println!("count is {}", counter.count); counter.count += 1; tide::Response::new(200).body_json(&counter).unwrap() }); app.listen("").await?;
Each Tide endpoint takes a Request
and returns a Response
. Because async functions
allow us to wait without blocking, this makes Tide feel similar to synchronous servers. Except
it's incredibly efficient.
async fn endpoint(req: Request) -> Result<Response>;
Middleware wrap each request and response pair, allowing code to be run before the endpoint, and after each endpoint. Additionally each handler can choose to never yield to the endpoint and abort early. This is useful for e.g. authentication middleware. Tide's middleware works like a stack. A simplified example of the logger middleware is something like this:
async fn log(req: Request, next: Next) -> Result<Response> { println!("Incoming request from {} on url {}", req.peer_addr(), req.url()); let res = next().await?; println!("Outgoing response with status {}", res.status()); res }
As a new request comes in, we perform some logic. Then we yield to the next
middleware (or endpoint, we don't know when we yield to next
), and once that's
done, we return the Response. We can decide to not yield to next
at any stage,
and abort early. This can then be used in applications using the Server::middleware
Middleware often needs to share values with the endpoint. This is done through "local state".
Local state is built using a typemap that's available through Request::local
Global state is used when a complete application needs access to a particular
value. Examples of this include: database connections, websocket connections, or
network-enabled config. Every Request<State>
has an inner value that must
implement Send + Sync + Clone
, and can thus freely be shared between requests.
By default tide::new
will use ()
as the shared state. But if you want to
create a new app with shared state you can use the with_state
Extension Traits
Sometimes having global and local context can require a bit of setup. There are cases where it'd be nice if things were a little easier. This is why Tide encourages people to write extension traits.
By using an extension trait you can extend Request
or Response
with more
functionality. For example, an authentication package could implement a user
method on
, to access the authenticated user provided by middleware.
Extension traits are written by defining a trait + trait impl for the struct that's being extended:
pub trait RequestExt { fn bark(&self) -> String; } impl<State> RequestExt for Request<State> { fn bark(&self) -> String { "woof".to_string() } }
Tide apps will then have access to the bark
method on Request
#[async_std::main] async fn main() -> Result<(), std::io::Error> { let mut app = tide::new(); app.at("/").get(|req: Request<()>| async move { req.bark() }); app.listen("").await }
It's still early in Tide's development cycle. While the general shape of Tide might have roughly established, the exact traits and function paramaters may change between versions. In practice this means that building your core business on Tide is probably not a wise idea... yet.
However we are committed to closely following semver, and documenting any and all breaking changes we make. Also as time goes on you may find that fewer and fewer changes occur, until we eventually remove this notice entirely. The goal of Tide is to build a premier HTTP experience for Async Rust. We have a long journey ahead of us. But we're excited you're here with us!
pub use http; |
middleware | Middleware types. |
prelude | The Tide prelude. |
server | An HTTP server |
Error | A generic error. |
Next | The remainder of a middleware chain, including the endpoint. |
Request | An HTTP request. |
Response | An HTTP response |
Route | A handle to a route. |
Server | An HTTP server. |
Endpoint | An HTTP request handler. |
IntoResponse | Conversion into a |
Middleware | Middleware that wraps around remaining middleware chain. |
ResultExt | Extension methods for |
new | Create a new Tide server. |
redirect | Redirect a route to another route. |
with_state | Create a new Tide server with shared global state. |
Type Definitions
Result | A specialized Result type for Tide. |