tide-serve 0.0.9

a simple http file server binary based on tide
tide-serve-0.0.9 is not a library.


a simple file system server binary built on tide


$ cargo install tide-serve


$ tide-serve --help
tide-serve 0.0.4
a simple static http server built with tide

    tide-serve [OPTIONS] [root]

    -h, --help
            Prints help information

    -V, --version
            Prints version information

    -o, --host <host>
            Local host or ip to listen on [env: HOST=]  [default: localhost]

    -p, --port <port>
            Local port to listen on [env: PORT=]  [default: 8080]

    -b, --bind <bind>
            Local listener spec to bind

            Examples: `--bind localhost:8080` `--bind http://localhost:8080` `--bind [::1]:1213`

            On unix-like systems only: `--bind http+unix:///var/run/some.socket` `--bind http+unix://./tmp/socket`

            --bind will override --host and --port. [env: TIDE_BIND=]
    -c, --cert-path <cert-path>
            Path to a tls certificate for tide_rustls

            This will be ignored unless key_path is also provided. providing both key_path and cert_path enables tls.

            Example: `--cert ./cert.pem --key ./key.pem` For development, try using mkcert [env: CERT_PATH=]
    -k, --key-path <key-path>
            The path to a tls key file for tide_rustls

            This will be ignored unless cert_path is also provided. providing both key_path and cert_path enables tls.

            Example: `--cert ./cert.pem --key ./key.pem` For development, try using mkcert [env: KEY_PATH=]
    -f, --forward <forward>
            Host to forward (reverse proxy) not-found requests to

            This forwards any request that would otherwise be a 404 Not Found to the specified listener spec.

            Examples: `--forward localhost:8081` `--forward http://localhost:8081` `--forward https://localhost:8081`

            Note: http+unix:// schemes are not yet supported [env: FORWARD=]

            Filesystem path to serve

            Defaults to the current working directory


This crate uses #![forbid(unsafe_code)] to ensure everything is implemented in 100% Safe Rust.
